The Sepulchre is the fourth dungeon you come across in Airoheart and is our next destination for claiming a piece of the Draoidh Stone. This part of the walkthrough will go through how to reach The Sepulchre and how you can obtain two new Runes!
If you haven't checked out our other guides, see Rune Locations, Crafting Guide and Heart Melon Locations; getting better gear will help with taking on final bosses of dungeons.
![The Sepulchre](
In order to get to The Sepulchre, you need to head to Llanfair town. You'll want to take the path on the right so that it leads you to a forest.
![The Sepulchr](
Here you'll come across a familiar statue device. Fill up all four points with your Magic Flask and it will open the stone gates ahead.
![The Sepulchre](
In this forest, you'll want to head to the right and you'll come to a small path that leads upwards.
![The Sepulchre](
You'll then come across Mandy. She will tell you about the Kobold uprising and their use of a new technology to create a transportation system. She then also gives you a Kobold Tech Rune.
![The Sepulchre](
Next head north and you'll come across a graveyard with Zombie mobs. Head to the left side and meander your way through the gravestones; keep heading north.
![The Sepulchre](
You'll eventually come across a giant stone tomb. Welcome to The Sepulchre dungeon!
The Sepulchre Walkthrough
![The Sepulchre](
This dungeon is very poorly lit, so hopefully you're playing this one in a dark room!
In the first room you'll find four empty chalices. You need to use your Magic Flask to light them up with green flames. Do that for all four to open the door at the top and then push the block out of the way.
![The Sepulchre](
In the next room, ignore the door at the top (this is where you go for the main boss once you've got the Kobold Tech Key!), instead head down the stairs and take the north-right door.
![The Sepulchre](
In the next room you'll come across strange fire lanterns. They are immune to your sword attack; instead you need to use your Magic Flask to defeat them. Make use of the chalices to light up the room a bit.
In the top-left of this room is a golden Treasure Chest containing a key. Use this key to unlock the door on the right.
![The Sepulchre](
This room is extremely tricky and we wasted lots of health doing this part.
To get across to the other side you need to position Airoheart so he is standing at the bottom of the platform and then make a dodge-jump across, whilst holding the arrow key down to reach the edge of the platform. It might take you several tries to get it.
UPDATE: You can actually use your new Rune Of Kobold Tech to warp across. Just aim your staff at the glowing rock across the path and then use the rune to teleport across. Thanks The_randomzero for the tip!
Once you make it across, head up the stairs and take the door at the bottom left (ignore the right side).
![The Sepulchre](
In the next room you'll come across more of those lanterns. Be very careful- there are lots of traps that shoot arrows out at you and the room is so dimly lit you're going to get hit a lot. Head around to the door on the right.
![The Sepulchre](
In the next room you'll find metal blocks falling on either side; take out the lantern mob first. In order to unlock the doors, you need to light the chalices in the top corners. Just push the blocks aside and then dodge the metal blocks to get them.
You want to take the room on the right first.
![The Sepulchre](
In this room you'll come across more lanterns, zombies, traps and ghost mobs. You cannot kill ghost mobs, so just whack them with your sword so they disappear somewhere.
![The Sepulchre](
First head to the top-right room. You'll come to a golden Treasure Chest next to another chest that contains a key. Just destroy the pots so you can pass the Metal Block safely. Now go back to the previous room with the traps.
Head to the room at the bottom right corridor.
![The Sepulchre](
In this next room you'll come across two moving metal blocks. You'll need to time your run directly behind them and then go down the stairs. Head left to the next room.
Here you'll come across more lanterns; take them out. Head towards the blue barriers that are currently down and make your way left.
![The Sepulchre](
In the next room you'll come across two metal blocks and a ball and chain spinning around. Head down onto the moving tiles and make your way past the ball and chain carefully and take the north door.
![The Sepulchre](
You'll then come to B3; a maze with more lanterns. Take them out and head to the south door.
![The Sepulchre](
In the next room there is a pot on the right side; do a dodge jump and you'll find a switch underneath it to activate the door on the right. Head through it after taking out the Zombie.
![The Sepulchre](
Head down the stairs in the next room and take out the flying bat. As you approach the gold Treasure Chest, several Zombies will spawn (take them out) and collect the key from the chest.
Now take the door at the top of the room (not the one at the top of the stairs).
![The Sepulchre](
In the next room head through the right exit.
![The Sepulchre](
In the next room you'll come across several explosive holes. Use the pots to detonate them or slowly move around them, making your way right.
![The Sepulchr](
In the next room hit the statue with your sword to bring down the barriers.
![The Sepulchre](
Now you need to head back to the room you found the second key (with the Treasure Chest that spawned those Zombies) and head back up the stairs, taking the north-left door.
You'll come to a room with more traps on the floor. In the bottom-right corner of this room is a Treasure Chest with another Key. The barriers should be down now, so you can grab it!
You now should have three keys; head back to the beginning of the level (killing yourself over and over is the quickest way).
![The Sepulchre](
Make your way to the room with the two doors either side and the metal blocks going up and down. This time you'll want to head to the left door.
![The Sepulchre](
Take out the bat and Zombie monster, and keep heading left until you come to a room with a statue.
Hit the statue and then head back to the other room, taking the stairs down and heading left.
![The Sepulchre](
The barrier's are down and you can head to the south middle door and unlock it with one of your keys.
![The Sepulchre](
In this room you'll come across a ball and chain spinning, as well as zombies and a moving metal block. Follow the room round to the left, taking the stairs down and then the north door.
![The Sepulchre](
You'll come to another room with a Time tile on it. Once you activate it, you'll have around 20 seconds to get back to the crossroads where you just unlocked the door with your key and then past the barrier at the north side. To do this, just spam dodge all the way back through the room with the ball and chain and back out the door.
![The Sepulchre](
Once you pass the barriers, head to the north room.
![The Sepulchre](
![Rune Of Flight](
Here you'll come to more time tiles, that release blocks for a few short seconds. Head to each one until you get to the center where you'll find a Treasure Chest containing the Rune Of Flight.
This rune will turn you into a feather for a short period. We'll be needing this later in the dungeon.
![The Sepulchre](
Now head back to the crossroads and take the south door to the room with the ball and chain and make your way left again. This time head past the crates and in the bottom left corner is a Treasure Chest containing some beads.
You can also use one of your keys to unlock the south door. Head through it.
![The Sepulchre](
![The Sepulchre](
You'll find a teleporter at the end of the room, taking you to another room with a golden Treasure Chest containing another key. Move the blocks on either side of the room to exit it.
![The Sepulchre](
You'll come to the room with the gravestones and ghosts; head up the stairs and you'll come to the room with the Spinning Skull.
![The Sepulchre](
Head to the bottom left of that room, and you'll come across Finnan.
He will tell you something about being light as feather; luckily we have new Rune Of Flight. Head to the center of the room where the grate is and cast the Rune Of Flight; you'll transform into a feather and then slide through the grate!
![The Sepulchre](
You'll come to a room surrounded by blocks. Move them away and unlock the door on your right.
![Kobold Tech Key](
Here you'll find the Treasure Chest containing the Kobold Tech Key! Woohoo! You can now face the boss.
Head back to the beginning of the dungeon and in the second room, instead of taking the stairs down, take the north door. Use the pots in these rooms to heal up.
![The Sepulchre](
You'll eventually come to the boss door. Good luck!
Boss Fight - The Sepulchre
![Boss Fight](
To begin this boss fight, you need to use your Magic Flask to illuminate the Chalice at the top of the map.
As soon as you do, the boss will split into three versions of itself, sending a flying skull towards you. You can smash the skull away with your sword.
The first boss that throws a skull at you is the real version- if you position yourself near him you can get a couple of hits in (or plant a bomb whilst you defend yourself).
After the three skulls are thrown at you, the boss then moves to the center and summons four skull bones that fire out at random angles. They will bounce around the room and damage you if you touch them. You can use your Rune Of Flight to transform into a feather to dodge them if you're low on health. Before he summons the bones is when you want to get in lots of hits.
This process will then repeat itself until you do enough damage to the boss. Once you've done enough damage, the boss will then follow you around the room and you'll have to slash him a couple of times and then dodge away to avoid touch damage.
There are no health pots in this dungeon, so make sure you're stacked up!
Check out the video below for more tips:
After you defeat the boss you can claim another piece of the soulstone! Woohoo! You gain the ability to now lift even larger boulders!
That wraps up Part 5 of the Airoheart Walkthrough! Let us know if we missed anything in the comments!