After reaching Dawn Valley, we come across Alon who has blocked off access to it. Follow Archie and you'll end up in a new town called Darudic.
Darudic is a giant town that is under the control of Alon.
![Pay Gold](
You'll have to pay Gold for certain services that are normally free in other towns (like using the Trainer Hub!).
If you head through the gates of Darudic you'll come across Archie. He has a plan to get you into Dawn Valley and wants you to meet him at a house on the west-side of Darudic.
Before you continue with the story, it's time to go and loot up!
Daurdic is home to some interesting new features.
![Coromon Spinner Changer](
The Trainer Hub allows you to switch Spinners for your Coromon on the second floor and the basement floor allows you to play online against other players.
You can buy several useful items for Gold in the main square area, including Coromon Scents that you could craft at Soggy Swamp and Fruits (including Ber Fruit for double XP!) previously only obtainable via random Treasure Chests and floor loot.
![Drill Shovel](
You can also pick up a new ability to find rare gems around Darudic. If you head to the house next to the Spa, you can get a free Drill Shovel.
There are two choices the Silver Drill Shovel or the Golden Drill Shovel.
The Silver Drill Shovel has a 20% commission but a smaller radius to search for gems and the Golden Drill Shovel has a 40% commission but a huge radius.
It's up to you which drill you choose; any Gems you find you can sell to the NPC at the counter for Gold!
![Blue Gem Position](
When you use the Drill Shovel, it will scan a portion of the room. If there is a Gem nearby, it will tell you within how many steps the gem is near to you. You can find one in the Drill Shop.
![Darudic Map](
Click the image for a larger version.
You can find the following loot in Darudic
- [1] - Treasure Chest: 300x Gold
- [2] - Phoenix Shard
- [3] - Treasure Chest: Plain Spinner
- [4] - 250x Gold
- [5] - Treasure Chest: Spicy Cake
- [6] - Sopa Fruit
- [7] - Skill Flash 12
- [8] - Ras Fruit
- [9] - Fik Fruit
- [10] - Heal Spinner
- [11] - Combi Cake (s)
- [12] - Sp. Atk. Cake (s)
- [13] - Gao Fruit
- [14] - Treasure Chest: Coupon 5 Free x1
- [15] - Silver Spinner
- [16] - Skill Flash 15
![Spa Area Loot](
In the Spa, you can find Skill Flash 53 from a Treasure Chest and Doom Scent, Ether Scent from the jugs. If you head outside, you'll meet Amad.
![Coromon Sol Soda](
Amad can sell you Sol Soda; this will allow you to reset your temperature in The Scorching Sands area, allowing you to reach some of those hard-to-get areas.
![Duradic Grapa Fruit](
If you enter the house in the middle of Duradic, you can find a Treasure Chest with a Grapa Fruit x2 in. There is also a HP Cake (L) next to the cactus.
You can find a Defense Cake in the kitchen and also 300x Gold in one of the pots.
![Potent Scent](
If you go upstairs, there's lots of spare plant pots to plant your own fruit. There is also a Treasure Chest with a Potent Scent inside and you can pick up a Fear Scent from the Globe.
Archie's Plan
![Archie Plan](
Head to Archie's house, which is on the left of Duradic. Inside, Archie will tell you of a note being left by someone stationed inside the Palace. They say they can help you get Dawn Valley open again.
But in order to get inside the Palace, you're going to need a Guard uniform. Archie says to meet him at the Guard Barracks, which is on the right of the Palace entrance.
Before leaving, pick up the Combi Cake (s) from the oven and the LuxRecall from the shelf. If you head upstairs, you can find a Treasure Chest containing an Ambrio and also pick up a Pix Fruit from the bedside table.
Guard Barracks
![Guard Barracks](
Head to the Guard Barracks, where you'll meet Archie. Archie distracts the guard, allowing you to enter the Guard Barracks.
![Guard Barracks](
The Guard Barracks requires you to not get caught by the wondering guards. There are various safe spots throughout the map that you can use. Check out the map above of where you need to walk to.
The Treasure Chest contains a SP Cake (M). Once you make your way through the Guard Barracks, you can pick up a Guard hat, allowing you to enter the Grand Palace of Duradic.
You'll meet Archie again just outside the Palace, where he says the insider will respond to the phrase "The sky seems extra blue today!". Head inside the Grand Palace.
Grand Palace
![Grand Palace Loot](
There are a lot of guards around here and talking to them won't trigger anything, so feel free to wonder around.
There are two rooms on the left, that each have a Treasure Chest in containing Defense Cake (s) and Attack Cake (s).
On the right is a library with a Treasure Chest containing a Silver Spinner. You can also pick up 400x Gold from a pot.
In the right back room is Flash Skill 38 on the table.
On left back room, you can also pick up a Protein Scent from one of the bookcases and a Spicy Cake from a statue at the exit.
You will come to another hallway where you can pick up a Treasure Chest near a guard containing a Silver Spinner.
If you head to the room on the right you can find a Chaik Fruit in a plant pot.
Go back to the hallway and then take the exit further up.
If you head right, and then further down you'll see a row of statues where you can pick up an SP Cake (M). You can also pick up HP Cake (M) near the cactus. Head through the door and you'll come to the Prison.
In the prison you can find a Treasure Chest with Fik Fruit x2.
You can also find a Treasure Chest with a Phoenix Shard and in the same room a HP Cake (m) from a large pot.
You'll also be able to pick up a Cado Fruit from a Treasure Chest near the exit.
Leave the prison and head to the right and you'll come across Mahmud.
He is your insider and when you say the phrase to him he invites you into his room.
He explains about all the strange going-ons happening in Duradic, including the weird plants being put all over the Palace. Two body guards interrupt you and the way they talk seems familiar!
Guard: Why aren't you talking normally?
Guard: Sorry, bad habit.
Guard: Alright, this gives us enough time to get us to Dawn Valley.
Mahmud recommends you go to Alon's Chamber to figure out what is going on. Take the path to the right and you'll come across a bunch of guards doing training exercises.
![Guard Captain Mahmud](
Keep heading right and you'll come across the Guard Captain. He doesn't let you go to Alon's Chamber, instead asks you to perform some Guard Training.
Unfortunately, that doesn't end well and you end up in prison!
Prison Breakout
Once in Prison, there is nothing to do but to take a Quick Powernap by interacting with the bed.
You'll have to do this three times until a replacement guard comes.
It turns out to be Mahmud and he lets you escape the cell!
Now you'll need to battle your way to Alon's Chambers. There are several guards on route, so make sure you're all healed up!
Trainer Battle with Guard
Trainer Battle with Guard
Trainer Battle with Guard
Trainer Battle with Guard
![Potent Scent](
Head back to where you were caught, collecting the Potent Scent from the Treasure Chest on your way.
Trainer Battle with Guard
Trainer Battle with Guard
When you arrive before Alon's Chamber, you can open two Treasure Chests containing HP Cake (m) x2 and SP Cake (m) x2.
![Guard Captain Battle](
When you speak to the Guard Captain, he challenges you to a battle and he has quite a few strong Coromon so be prepared!
Trainer Battle with Guard
After you beat the Guard Captain, you enter Alon's Chamber to find him tied up and the place surrounded by those strange plants. When you mention they shut down Dawn Valley, Alon rushes off to investigate.
![Dawn Valley Opened](
Alon opens up Dawn Valley only to find out all his Drill Pods have been taken! He rushes off to sort out his city, and Archie congratulates you on getting Dawn Valley open again.
Now we can finally progress to the Pyramid of Sart!
That concludes Part 8 of the Coromon Walkthrough! Hopefully you found this part useful; Darudic is one of the biggest towns so far!