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Quagoo - #087

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Standard Potential
Potent Potential
Perfect Potential

Quagoo hide in swamps and blend in with the environment. Their body is hidden by a slimy coat and bits of moss which they manipulate to protect themselves.

Water Water

Quagoo's Base Stats

StatBase Stat%
Sp. Attack141
Sp. Defense108

Quagoo's Evolution Line






Where to find Quagoo?

Soggy Swamp
Soggy Swamp

Quagoo's Skills

IconSkillDescriptionUnlocks At
Bubble BurstBubble BurstDamage the target with bubbles. Has a {sideEffectChance}% chance to lower target's Speed.Level 1
Health LinkHealth LinkThe user shares its health with the target, evenly redistributing their HP by percentage of their max HP.Level 8
CloudburstCloudburstFlood the opposing team with a torrential rain, dealing damage and lowering their Accuracy by 1 stage.Level 14
Double SlashDouble SlashSlash at the target. In normal circumstances this attack will always hit.Level 19
MonsoonMonsoonSummon a heavy rain into the battle, increasing the effectiveness of Water Coromon.Level 24
Poison ChompPoison ChompChomp the target with venomous fangs, with a {sideEffectChance}% chance to Poison the target.Level 30
Sticky SalivaSticky SalivaCoats the target in sticky saliva, lowering the target's Speed by 2 stages.Level 35
Illusion BurstIllusion BurstThe Coromon moves so fast that it seems as if illusions attack the opponent. Has a {sideEffectChance}% chance to lower Defense by 1 stage.Level 39
GeyserGeyserOpen a powerful geyser below the foe, dealing damage and lowering the target's Evasion by 1 stage.Level 43
BackstabBackstabThe Coromon moves super fast to hit the opponent with a vile backstab. When this attack goes last, it causes heavy bleeding.Level 47
Hydro PunchHydro PunchBash the target with a big wet wallop, with a {sideEffectChance}% chance to knock down the target.Level 52
ScreamScreamThreaten the target with an ear-piercing screech, lowering their Defense by 2 stages.Level 56

Quagoo's Traits

ConserverThe Coromon requires 1 less SP to use Skills.30%
CaffeinatedThe Coromon is hyper and its max SP is increased by up to 18 points based on its level.15%
Water CooledThe Coromon is water cooled, making it immune to Burn.40%
ReconstitutionThe Coromon reconstitutes itself, restoring 20% of its HP and SP and curing itself of status problems.15%
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