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Site Update: Register Today

October 20, 2021

We've recently been doing some updates to the DigitalTQ website and so this post is a quick overview of what has changed!

As mentioned, we want to build some useful community tools- we already have lots of you contributing to our comments section and now we're taking this one step further.

User Accounts

You can now register your own account on DigitalTQ. This account will be allow you to post on the site and earn Gold (What is this???). User Accounts are the starting point for our new community features and many of our new features will utilize them.

Gold is going to be a fun currency to use across the DTQ site. Currently, you get 1,000 Gold per approved comment and 100 Gold a day for logging in. It's useless at the moment- but we'll find some fun ways in which you can use it in the future!

Currently, User Accounts can subscribe to the various categories across DigitalTQ. If you want updates on the latest Pokemon TCG- subscribe to that category and you'll get an email alert every time we post new content in that category.

In the future, we'll be hopefully allow you to use your User Accounts for other features that will be slowly added to the site over-time, with the end goal being a forum/community area. We are still in the process of defining our plans, but if you want to sign up and join the DTQ community from the very beginning, now is the time to do it!

Subscribe & Email Alerts

We've just setup a new system for email alerts. We cover a wide range of content on this site and we know everyone has different interests. We've setup our new email alert system for both registered users and guests to get alerts whenever we post in a specific category on the site.

You'll be able to unsubscribe at any time and we'll only ever send you emails about the category you're subscribed to. It's a great way to keep up to date with specific content here on DTQ!

Future Updates

Our next update won't be for a while yet. We are planning on producing lots more gaming content before working on any features. We are going to take a look at our Pokemon TCG section and see how we can further improve it now that we have implemented User Accounts.

If you've got any suggestions you'd like to see on the site, then feel free to let us know in the comments!


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So gold useless? I was just wondering about that lol

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Aleph - Editor In Chief

Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.

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