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Dinkum - Sheila - Tuckshop Deed

March 28, 2023

Sheila is a new NPC in Dinkum who comes to visit your Island and offers to buy your cooked food items at her Tuckshop. She was introduced as part of the new Dinkum Spring update.

As well as buying your cooked food items, Sheila will also sell you various items and offer a Cooking Table for you to create food items on.

Once Sheila moves into your Island, you'll be able to purchase a random selection of fully cooked items.

Sheila Tuckshop Deed

Friendship Level: Full Heart Half Heart Heart Icon Heart Icon Heart Icon

Once you get one full heart and one half a heart friendship with Sheila, she will grant you her Tuckshop Deed.

The Tuckshop Deed will put your Island into debt by 750,000 Dinks.

Tuckshop Deed

You'll also need the following items:

  • 15x Palm Oak Wood
  • 5x Tin Sheet
  • 5x Iron Ore
  • 3x Keg
  • 3x Bottle Brush
  • 3x Wattle Brew
  • 3x Jelly Brew
  • 32x Nails

Sheila Daily Tasks

You can complete one Task for Sheila each day to increase your friendship level. Daily Tasks increase a heart by 25%.

Below is a list of tasks Irwin can ask you and the rewards you can get.

You must complete the task the same day you're given it. Failing a task (or not completing it) can reduce friendship level.

Task Reward Notes
Give her a Cooked Food item
  • Dinks
The items Sheila asks for can be made at the Cooking Table in her visitor tent.

Sheila Tuckshop

Inside Sheila's Tuckshop you can sell her Cooked Food items. She also has a special each day, which is a randomly selected cooked food item, that you can sell for a better price.

Sheila will also offer you 3 random Cooked food items each day to purchase with Dinks.

Sheila will buy your cooked food at 150% markup of their original sell price, so it's a good idea to keep all your cooked for stored for when she offers to buy it!

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