Ender Lilies world is called Land's End and is made up of many different maps that span several different regions and we've compiled them altogether into one big completed map.
We also have created a map for viewing all Relic locations and Boss locations to help with figuring your way around Ender Lilies.
In Ender Lilies, each rectangular box represents a new map; if the map is blue it means there are still undiscovered items in the map for you to collect. Once you've picked up everything possible, the map will turn yellow.
A red dot on the map indicates there is a pathway that is undiscovered, which will lead you to a new map.
One of the fun parts of Ender Lilies is exploring new areas- but you can often feel frustrated when you can't figure out how to get to a certain location due. This map will hopefully help you figure out where you need to go.
As you go through each Chapter in Ender Lilies you will pick up new Action skills. These Action Skills will allow you to access new areas of the map; part of this game design helps keep players away from the super-strong bosses that can only be defeated once you've leveled up enough and picked up enough Relics.
Note: If you want to use any of these maps on your site, feel free! Just please post a link back to our page as a credit. Thanks!
Ender Lilies Full Map
Ender Lilies Boss Map
Ender Lilies Relics Map