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Funko POP! Collection Tracker

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We have a new DB called the Funko Pop Collection Tracker, which allows you to track and manage your Funko Pop Collection.

We'll be using this thread to post updates and discuss improvements, so feel free to share your suggestions below.

What Funko Pop set should we work on next?

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how about adding a section for wishlist pops? like ones you are hoping to get?
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Definitely a good idea! We are doing a revamp of the site so once that is out we can focus on new features!

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We've just started on the Disney Funko Pop Collection.

This one is going to take a while!

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Maybe the Star Wars Pops next? I don't know how many there are though.

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Added WWE Funko Pop Collection.

Will look into Star Wars- will try and finish Disney first though- there is like 1000+!