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MapleStory Adele Skill Build Guide

December 11, 2024

Adele is the blade-wielding warrior job introduced in MapleStory Rise Update and is one of the most popular classes available. The character is part of the High-Flora class, starting in the artistic city of Ristonia. One of the main features of Adele is the ability to control flying swords as you fight mobs, making it one of the best mobbers in the game. This skill guide will take a look at all the job advancements, including fifth job nodes and hyper skills.

Adele Overview

Adele starts off in the city of Ristonia, known as the city of art. Adele also introduces a new weapon type called the Bladecaster. The character can be created either Male or Female. This MapleStory class has it's own storyline for player's to follow and it's recommended to complete it so that you unlock all aspects of Maple World and the special Recalling Greatness buff (+10% Critical Damage, +10% Attack Power).

Adele was released in GMS Patch V.214 Rise: Promise Of The Guardian.

Check our our MapleStory Training Guide to help find the fastest maps to level up your characters.

  • Weapon: Bladecaster
  • Job: Warrior
  • Class: High-Flora
  • Shared Cash Shop Inventory: Illium, Adele, Ark
  • Legion Block: +Strength (10/20/40/80/100)
  • Link Skill: Noble Fire (+4% Boss Damage, +2-8% damage per party member)
  • Primary Stat: Strength
  • Inner Ability: 20% Boss Damage

Class Rating

Adele Bossing

Adele is a decent job to play if you're interested in taking down the end-game bosses. She has many fifth job skills which deal lots of damage and can be a great DPSer. She has several i-frame moves that can be activated and a 30-second final damage buff that needs to be maintained during battle for maximum damage output.

Adele Mobbing

One of the better classes at mobbing. Adele's Ceave attack skill has a wide-range hitbox, allowing you to attack multiple platforms in small maps. Adele also has flying swords that damage mobs as you move around the map. She has very good mobility too.

Adele First Job Skill Build

You can max all skills in first job, so don't worry too much about distribution of skill points. You gain 3 SP per level.

  • Blade Of Will (+1), Magic Dispatch (+1), Jaunt (+1)
  • Jaunt (+3)
  • Blade Of Will (MAX)
  • Magic Dispatch (MAX)
  • Jaunt (MAX)
  • Martial Discipline (MAX)

In first job, you want to make sure your mobility and main attacking skill are maxed early on. Jaunt at level 4 is a decent double-jump, but if you have enough damage you can max it out. Blade Of Will is your main attacking skill, with Magic Dispatch decent for mobbing with a 6 second-cooldown.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Blade of Will Blade of Will Creates a sword from magic that slashes in front of you.

Max Level: MP Cost: 12, Damage: 85%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 5
Main Attack Skill
Magic Dispatch Magic Dispatch Creates a magical shard that hunts down an enemy. Unaffected by attack reflection. Level 20 required to learn Aetherial Arms.

Max Level: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 80%, Number of Attacks: 3, Magical Shards: 5 Cooldown: 6 sec
Cooldown Attack Skill
Jaunt Jaunt Leap once more while already in the air. Can move upward by pressing the Up key at the same time.

Max Level: MP Cost: 5, allows you to jump a greater distance
Double Jump
High Rise High Rise "Steel your mind to project magic, suspending you in the air for a short time and allowing you to use aerial skills. Use the skill in the air or press the up key twice in a row to activate. Effect canceled when you use it again or use another movement skill. Command Lock: right-click "

Max Level: MP Cost: 20, allows you to remain in the air for a short time
Float For 2 Sec
Martial Discipline Martial Discipline Reinforces the foundations of a warrior.

Max Level: Attack Power: +30, Defense: +200, Max HP: +1000 Speed: +10, Jump: +10, Knockback Resistance: +60% Damage Taken: -10%
Passive buff skill.

Adele Second Job Skill Build

You can max all skills in second job, so don't worry too much about distribution of skill points.

  • Skewering (+1), Aether Forge (+1), Aetherial Arms (+1)
  • Bladecaster Control (+5)
  • Weave Infusion (+6)
  • Skewering (MAX)
  • Aether Forge (MAX)
  • Resonance Rush (MAX)
  • Bladecaster Control (MAX)
  • Aetherial Arms (MAX)
  • Elite Training (MAX)
  • Impale (MAX)
  • Will To Live (MAX)

Skewering becomes your new main attack skill. You'll also be introduced to two toggle skills (once you turn them on, they remain on until you log off or manually turn them off). Aether Forge creates a wide-area of attack with multiple swords hitting mobs and Aetherial Arms will periodically trigger Magical Dispatch for you automatically. You'll also get a decent buff called Resonance Rush; it can be stacked 3 times and requires maintaining whilst training. You need to use Resonance Rush to hit Aether Crystals and Mobs at the same time. It gives you +15% final damage for 30 seconds if you can maintain it.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Aether Weaving Aether Weaving Refine magic from around you to be used for special aether swords. Aether can be obtained at regular intervals or by defeating enemies.

Max Level: Obtain 5 aether at regular intervals, obtain 12 aether when Trigger skill hits, can obtain up to 300. When Aether Forge is active , every 100 aether can create 2 aether swords. Up to 4 aether swords can be created at a time.
Passive buff skill.
Aether Crystal Aether Crystal Attacking with the aether sword sometimes gathers the surrounding energy into crystals. Using Resonance Rush will send you rushing towards the crystal.

Max Level: Duration: 30 sec, up to 7 can exist on the map. If the max limit is reached and another one is created, the crystal with the lowest duration vanishes. The crystal cannot be created near another crystal, or near certain platforms such as those that cannot be reached. Cooldown: 4 sec
Passive buff skill.
Skewering Skewering [Trigger Skill] Creates multiple longswords that strike to the front.

Max Level: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 80%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Main Attack Skill
Aether Forge Aether Forge Creates a number of aether swords around your body using all available aether. The created aether swords attack nearby enemies on their own and are unaffected by attack reflection. Can be toggled On/Off. Level 10 required to learn Hunting Decree.

Max Level: When Trigger Skill hits , deal 200% damage to up to 10 enemies every 9.5 sec Reaching your 3rd and 4th job will reduce attack cooldown by 4 sec each. Attack 1 times per aether sword. Each successful attack has a 30% chance to create an aether crystal. Cooldown: 500 sec
Toggle Skill
Impale Impale "Creates an aether sword that can be launched in 8 directions depending on the directional key pressed. The sword vanishes at the limit of its range, leaving an aether crystal that replaces any existing crystal, regardless of creation cooldown. Can chain with Resonance Rush, but will not create an aether crystal if chained."

Max Level: MP Cost: 45, Aether Cost: 15 Damage: 85%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 6 Cooldown: 7 sec
Teleport/Rush Skill
Resonance Rush Resonance Rush "Creates a large aether sword that resonates with a nearby aether crystal, causing you to rush towards the crystal. This can be used in 8 directions depending on the directional key pressed. Can only be used when an aether crystal is in range, or if chained from Impale. If chained from Impale, the sword conjures faster and it follows in the direction of Impale. Required Skill: Impale Lv. 3 or higher. Lv. 10 required to learn the Hyper Skill Shardbreaker."

Max Level: Aether crystal used with Resonance Rush vanishes. Damage: 502%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 6 When attack hits, a buff triggers for 30 sec that increases final damage by 5% and Enemy DEF Ignored by 5%. Can be stacked up to 2 times.
Rush/Buff Skill
Aetherial Arms Aetherial Arms Automatically creates shards when attacking. Can be toggled On/Off with the skill key. Required Skill: Magic Dispatch Lv. 20

Max Level: When Trigger Skill hits , creates shard every 8 sec, consume 25 MP upon creation. Magic Dispatch and Aetherial Arms Damage: +30%p Cooldown: 500 sec.
Toggle Skill
Weave Infusion Weave Infusion Uses MP to increase the attack speed of your Bladecaster by 2 levels for a short time. Required Skill: Bladecaster Control Lv. 5

Max Level: MP Cost: 10, Increases attack speed of Bladecaster for 200 sec.
Buff Skill
Bladecaster Control Bladecaster Control "Increases Bladecaster Mastery, Attack Power, and Critical Damage. Level 10 required to learn Bladecaster Expertise. "

Max Level: Bladecaster Mastery: +50% Attack Power: +30 Critical Damage +6%
Passive buff skill.
Will to Live Will to Live Learn the necessary qualities for survival.

Max Level: Every 5 sec, restores 4% of Max HP/MP even in combat.
Passive buff skill.
Elite Training Elite Training Train your Strength to become ever more powerful.

Max Level: STR +60
Passive buff skill.

Adele Third Job Skill Build

You can max all skills in third job, so don't worry too much about distribution of skill points.

  • Eviscerate (+1), Hunting Decree (+1), Ascent (+1),
  • Eviscerate (MAX)
  • Ascent (MAX)
  • Hunting Degree (MAX)
  • Reign Of Destruction (MAX)
  • Noble Summons (MAX)
  • Tolerance (MAX)
  • True Nobility (MAX)
  • Feather Float (MAX)

Eviscerate becomes your main attacking skill in thrid job. Hunting Decree allows you to summon swords generate by the aether you acquire. These swords fly around the map attacking mobs. Ascent is a good damage boost, so best to max this early too.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Eviscerate Eviscerate [Trigger Skill] Conjures 2 longswords that slash in a cross.

Max Level: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 220%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Main Attack Skill
Hunting Decree Hunting Decree "Command nearby aether swords created with Aether Forge to pursue the enemy, while Adele is in combat. Can only be used when there are aether swords present . If you and the aether swords are separated, those swords will return to attack. Unaffected by attack reflection. When the pursuing aether swords disappear, aether can be obtained proportionate to the remaining duration. Required Skill: Aether Forge Lv. 10 Level 20 required to learn Aether Bloom and Grave Proclamation."

Max Level: MP Cost: 40, Aether Cost: 100 For each aether sword, Duration: 40 sec, Damage: 240%, Number of Attacks: 2 Can command up to 4 swords. When you exceed the max number and a command is given, the aether sword with the least duration left vanishes. When attack hits, 15% chance to create aether crystal. Cooldown: 500 sec
Secondary Attack Skill
Noble Summons Noble Summons "Order aether swords affected by Hunting Decree to return in a straight line, striking enemies along their path, then cluster for a moment. Can only be used when there is at least one aether sword pursuing an enemy through the Hunting Decree skill . Noble Summons will not decrease the aether swords' duration. Unaffected by attack reflection. Not affected by effects which reset cooldowns. Required Skill: Hunting Decree Lv. 5 Level 20 required to learn Storm "

Max Level: MP Cost: 50, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 260%, Number of Attacks: 4 Debuffs enemies for 30 sec. During that time, Adele ignores 10% of those enemies' DEF. Each successful attack has a 90% chance to create an aether crystal. Cooldown: 12 sec.
Cooldown Attack Skill
Reign of Destruction Reign of Destruction Summons countless swords across a large area. Unaffected by attack reflection.

Max Level: MP Cost: 120, Territory Duration: 7 sec, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 100%, Number of Attacks: 4 The sword turns when duration ends, attacking an additional 12 times dealing 550% damage up to 12 enemies. Cooldown: 30 sec
Cooldown Attack Skill
True Nobility True Nobility "Summon up your noble spirit to sacrifice for your allies. Within the spirit field you create, you receive some of the damage dealt to party members (including yourself), and form a shield in proportion to it. Not affected by effects which increase buff durations. Immediately canceled if you use it again. Level 10 required to learn Legacy Restoration."

Max Level: MP Cost: 200. Create a spirit field for 20 sec. Receive 30% of the damage dealt to party members inside the field, and create a shield equal to 80% of that damage. If you take more damage than your remaining HP, you cannot receive that extra damage. Cooldown: 180 sec
Buff Skill
Feather Float Feather Float Float back like a feather and remain aloft for a short time. You can move while using Trigger skills other than Plummet.

Max Level: MP Cost: 46, Aether Cost: 30 Move back a short distance. Cooldown: 8 sec [Passive Effect: Speed: +5, Jump: +10, Max Speed: +10]
Buff Skill
Ascent Ascent Grow ever more powerful in the quest to improve yourself.

Max Level: Attack Power: +30, Final Damage: +16%, Critical Rate: +20% Magic Dispatch and Aetherial Arms Damage: +115%p Aether Forge Damage: +240%p Impale Damage: +100%p Resonance Rush Damage: +125%p
Passive buff skill.
Tolerance Tolerance Develop a tolerance to various and sundry dangers.

Max Level: Knockback Resistance: +40%, Max HP: +10%, Status Resistance: +30, Elemental Resistance: +30% Damage Taken: -20%
Passive buff skill.

Adele Fourth Job Skill Build

You can max all skills in fourth job, so don't worry too much about distribution of skill points.

  • Cleave (+1), Bladecaster Expertise(+1), Ruination (+1)
  • Strive (+1)
  • Cleave (MAX)
  • Bladecaster Expertise (MAX)
  • Ruinaion (MAX)
  • Strive (MAX)
  • Perfection (MAX)
  • Hero of the Flora (MAX)
  • Plummet (MAX)
  • Grave Proclamation (MAX)
  • Aether Bloom (MAX)
  • Aether Guard (MAX)
  • Floran Hero's Will (MAX)

Fourth Job allows you to gain your main attacking skill Cleave. It has a really good hit-box range for attacking multiple platforms. Fourth job brings many passive damage buffs that you'll want to max out. You get the Plummet skill, which is great for vertical maps. Aether Guard can act as an iframe skill if you time it right. Grave Proclamation increases the damage you deal by 20% to single target enemies, making it great for bosses.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Aether Mastery Aether Mastery Discover a new level of aether control.

Max Level: Obtain up to 400 aether. Increases max aether swords that can be created with Aether Forge, and commanded with Hunting Decree, to 6.
Passive buff skill.
Cleave Cleave [Trigger Skill] Creates a massive sword to cut enemies ahead of you.

Max Level: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 381%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 7
Main Attack Skill
Aether Bloom Aether Bloom "Releases a bloom of magic from each Hunting Decree sword. Can only be used while at least one aether sword is under Hunting Decree . The duration of the aether sword doesn't elapse during Aether Bloom, and the aether swords that return with Noble Summons cannot bloom. Unaffected by attack reflection, and isn't affected by effects which reset cooldowns. Required Skill: Hunting Decree Lv. 20 Level 30 required to learn the Hyper Skill Blade Torrent."

Max Level: MP Cost: 82. For each aether sword, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 662%, Number of Attacks: 8 If one enemy gets hit by Aether Bloom multiple times, the skill's final damage on that enemy is reduced by 25%. When attack hits, 50% chance to create aether crystal. Cooldown: 20 sec
Cooldown Attack Skill
Grave Proclamation Grave Proclamation "Mark enemies for annihilation with a cursed sword, making them a prime target for your aether swords and Magic Dispatch. If the skill is used again while on cooldown, or another enemy is marked, the first mark vanishes. Grave Proclamation prioritizes enemies with the highest Max HP within range, and isn't affected by effects which reset cooldowns. Required Skill: Hunting Decree Lv. 20 Level 20 required to learn Infinity Blade."

Max Level: MP Cost: 150, Enemies Hit: 1, Damage: 230%, Number of Attacks: 10 Increases damage to enemy with mark of death by 21%, and ignores additional 10% defense rate. If there is an enemy with the mark within attack range of aether swords commanded by Hunting Decree, aether swords created with Infinity Blade, or Magic Dispatch, the attack will focus on that enemy. Cooldown: 10 sec
Buff Skill
Aether Guard Aether Guard "Shield yourself with spinning aether swords to block enemy attacks, reduce damage, and mitigate debilitating status conditions. Not affected by effects which reset cooldowns. If you are attacked as soon as it's cast, the damage of that attack is nullified and the damage from the next attack is reduced. Can be used while using Trigger skills , except for Plummet."

Max Level: MP Cost: 140. Key can be held up to 8 sec. Damage taken while key is held, including attacks that deal damage in proportion to Max HP, is reduced by 42%. If you use this skill the moment you are attacked , it will nullify the damage from that attack and reduce an additional 57% from any further attacks while you're holding the key. When the skill ends, cooldown is reduced by 3.5 sec. for each sec. remaining in the key's duration. Cooldown: 60 sec
Buff Skill
Plummet Plummet [Trigger Skill] Wrap your body in potent magic and dive upon your foes.

Max Level: MP Cost: 47. Drop vertically when used in the air, Damage: 560%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6 Cooldown: 1500 sec
Rush Skill
Hero of the Flora Hero of the Flora "Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Does not stack with Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, Hero of the Flora, President's Orders, Anima Warrior, or Rhinne's Protection."

Max Level: MP Cost: 70, Increases all stats assigned APs by 16% for 960 sec
Buff Skill
Floran Hero's Will Floran Hero's Will Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects. Immune to most abnormal status effects for 3 sec after use. Certain abnormal status effects will still get through.

Max Level: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 300 sec
Buff Skill
Bladecaster Expertise Bladecaster Expertise Increases Bladecaster Mastery and Attack Power. Required Skill: Bladecaster Control Lv. 10

Max Level: Bladecaster Mastery: +71%, Attack Power: +32
Passive buff skill.
Perfection Perfection Perfects your technique through rigorous training.

Max Level: Magic Dispatch and Aetherial Arms Damage: +231%p Aether Forge Damage: +276%p Impale Damage: +210%p Resonance Rush Damage: +271%p Hunting Decree Damage: +126%p Noble Summons Damage: +306%p Reign of Destruction Damage: +310%p
Passive buff skill.
Ruination Ruination Master a powerful attack that blows past enemy defenses.

Max Level: Final Damage: +32%, Enemy DEF Ignored: +22%
Passive buff skill.
Strive Strive Reach the level of a master through constant battle.

Max Level: Attack Power: +32, Boss Damage: +11%, Critical Rate: +22%, Max HP: +16%
Passive buff skill.

Adele Hyper Skill Build

Adele's Hyper skills become available at level 140. As you level up towards level 200, you'll gain more Hyper Stat Points. You won't be able to max all these skills, however if you make a mistake, you can reset your Hyper Skills later on for a meso cost. You'll want to max the following:

  • Trigger - Reinforce
  • Trigger - Guardbreak
  • Trigger - Boss Rush
  • Reign Of Destruction - Persist
  • Aether Guard - Persist
  • Blade Torrent
  • Divine Wrath
  • Shardbreaker

Optionally, you may wish to use True Nobility - Shield Reinforce.

Skill Description Type
Trigger - Reinforce Increases damage of Trigger skills.

Max Level: Damage: +20%
Passive buff skill.
Trigger - Guardbreak Increases amount of enemy DEF Trigger skills ignore.

Max Level: Ignore Defense: +20%
Passive buff skill.
Trigger - Boss Rush Increases Boss Damage of Trigger skills.

Max Level: Boss Damage: +20%
Passive buff skill.
Resonance Rush - Efficiency "Generates aether when aether crystals vanish after Resonance Rush, and Impale no longer consumes aether."

Max Level: Obtain 20 aether when aether crystal is used for Resonance Rush. Does not consume aether when using Impale.
Passive buff skill.
Reign of Destruction - Persist Increases duration of Reign of Destruction.

Max Level: Duration: +4 sec
Passive buff skill.
Aether Bloom - Cooldown Cutter Reduces the cooldown of Aether Bloom.

Max Level: Cooldown: -25%
Passive buff skill.
Will to Live - Aura Reinforce Increases Will to Live recovery.

Max Level: Recovery Ratio: +3%, additive to existing recovery.
Passive buff skill.
True Nobility - Shield Reinforce Damage increases if a shield is present during True Nobility.

Max Level: Damage: +15%
Passive buff skill.
Aether Guard - Persist Increase the max key-down time of Aether Guard.

Max Level: Max Key-Down Time: +2 sec
Passive buff skill.
Blade Torrent Attack with countless magic swords that overwhelm enemies. Foes stunned by this skill cannot be stunned again for 90 sec. Required Skill: Aether Bloom Lv. 30

Max Level: MP Cost: 300, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 1000%, Number of Attacks: 12 Stun Duration: 10 sec Stun Duration: +100% depending on damage inflicted with Blade Torrent. Cooldown: 180 sec
Bind Skill
Divine Wrath Borrows strength from the ancient god of the Flora.

Max Level: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: +10% Cooldown: 120 sec. Applies to any Flora class in the party.
Buff Skill
Shardbreaker "Fill the shard with magic to make it grow and then shatter. Magic refocuses in the location where it shattered to create an aether crystal, regardless of cooldown. Required Skill: Resonance Rush Lv. 10 "

Max Level: MP Cost: 250, creates a shard in the location of up to 7 enemies. For each shard that is created and shattered, Max Enemies Hit: 7, Damage: 2000%, Number of Attacks: 6 If total enemies struck is lower than the max, creates up to 5 shards in random locations. After shards shatter, creates up to 5 aether crystals. Cooldown: 60 sec
Cooldown Skill

Hyper Stats

Hyper Stats

Hyper Stats also become available at Level 140. These are extra stats you can allocate into specific stats to boost your damage. You can reset them if you make a mistake, so don't worry too much about the allocation.

If your class doesn't have a lot of damage, it's best to focus on:

  • Main Stat (STR)
  • Damage
  • Normal Damage To Monsters
  • Attack/Magic Attack
  • Arcane Force (when Level 200+)
  • Critical Chance
  • Critical Damage
  • Ignore Defense

We recommend getting Damage and Normal Damage stats to at least Level 10, and then start putting points into the others.

Once you start to boss, you'll want to increase the Boss Damage stat, Critical Damage and may even want to reset the Normal Damage To Monsters to allocate those points into boss damage.

Adele Fifth Job Skill Build

Upon reaching level 200, you will now have access to the V Matrix, which acts as your new fifth job skills. Each class gets their own skills to use, along with boosting nodes to increase the damage of existing skills. To obtain new skills, you open up items called Nodestones, which drop from every mob in Arcane River. You have limited number of slots in your V Matrix, so you want to obtain perfect nodes for maximise your character's damage.

Adele nodes should include:

  • Infinity Blade
  • Legacy Restoration
  • Ruin
  • Storm
  • Trinode: Cleave, Hunting Decree, Aether Forge and Noble Summons
  • Trinode: Reign Of Destruction, Magic Dispatch and Aether Bloom

All 5th Job classes should try to also obtain these:

  • Decent Holy Symbol
  • Decent Sharp Eyes
  • Decent Speed Infusion
  • Weapon Aura
  • Erda Nova

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Infinity Blade Infinity Blade Creates a space filled with countless aether swords. The command only works on nearby swords, and if you are separated the swords will return to attack. Aether swords created from Infinity Blade are only affected by the effects of Grave Proclamation and not Noble Summons or Aether Bloom. Unaffected by attack reflection. Pursues enemies only when Adele is in combat. Required Skill: Grave Proclamation Lv. 20+

Max Level: MP Cost: 1000, invincible during casting and disarmament Duration: 30 sec, creates 18 aether swords that attack 2 times with 700% damage On successful hits, 5% chance to create an aether crystal. Cooldown 180 sec
Burst Attack Skill + Iframe on cast
Legacy Restoration Legacy Restoration Temporarily restores the lost magical conduit and the enchanted wings of the past. Legacy Restoration is unaffected by attack reflection, and using the skill again will immediately end the skill. Required Skill: True Nobility Lv. 10

Max Level: 2% max MP will be consumed every sec while casting and after casting Duration: 30 sec, Damage: 40%, Aether obtained: 75%, +2 aether swords that can be commanded with Hunting Decree Periodically spreads enchanted wings to attack 6 mobs with 1800% damage 3 times and restores 9.5% of max HP for you and your party members. Cooldown: 180 sec
Damage Buff Skill + Heal Party
Ruin Ruin Summons the ancient sword of destruction to cause a massive collapse. Unaffected by attack reflection.

Max Level: MP Cost: 1000, Max Enemies Hit: 15 An attack that deals 500% damage 6 times when summoned and activates 12 times. After it's summoned, an additional sword pierce deals 900% damage 9 times and activates 8 times. Cooldown: 60 sec
Cooldown Attack Skill
Storm Storm All aether swords commanded by Hunting Decree sweep around you in a wild current. With Hunting Decree, gather illusions around your person in proportion to the number of swords hunting for the enemy. Storm is unaffected by attack reflection, and the skill can be used again to immediately end it. Required Skill: Noble Summons Lv. 20+

Max Level: MP Cost: 500, Duration: 14 sec. Automatically attacks up to 7 nearby enemies periodically, for 500% damage, 2 time(s). Upon casting, once more than 2 aether swords have been commanded, the skill's attack count is increased by 2 for each pair of aether swords beyond those first two. Cooldown: 90 sec
Cooldown Attack Skill

Adele Sixth Job Skills

Once you reach Level 260, you can then go on to do the 6th Job Advancement Quests! Once completed, you will unlock the HEXA Matrix system, allowing you to gain new skills, upgrade existing 5th job skills and start earning the new Sol Erda Fragment currency used to upgrade your skills.

Every sixth job class gets a brand new "Origin" skill, which deals a significant amount of burst damage allowing you to wipe out mid-tier bosses in seconds. Getting your character to Level 260 gives you a siginifant damage boost even with your skill level at level 1. It's well worth grinding to level 260, so check out the MapleStory Training Guide for the best spots ot train.

Adele obtains the following new sixth Job skills:

  • [Origin Skill] Maestro
  • [HEXA Skills] HEXA Cleave, HEXA Magic Dispatch, HEXA Aetherial Arms
  • [HEXA Skills] HEXA Hunting Decree, HEXA Plummet
  • [Common Skill] Sol Janus
  • [Boost Skills] Ruin, Infinity Blade, Legacy Restoration, Storm


Icon Skill Description Type
HEXA Cleave HEXA Cleave [Trigger Skill] Creates a massive sword to cut enemies ahead of you. Cleave is enhanced by receiving the energy of aether at certain intervals. Required Skill: Cleave Lv. 30

Max Level: MP Cost: 55, Max Enemies Hit: 7, Damage: 750%, Number of Attacks: 6 Every 6 seconds, the next attack is replaced with enhanced Cleave [Enhanced Cleave] : 3 Chase Cuts occur which attack up to 8 enemies with 570% damage 7 times
Upgrade Skill
HEXA Magic Dispatch HEXA Magic Dispatch Creates a magical shard that hunts down an enemy. Unaffected by attack reflection.

Max Level: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 720%, Number of Attacks: 3, Magical Shards: 5 Cooldown: 6 sec
Upgrade Skill
HEXA Aetherial Arms HEXA Aetherial Arms Automatically creates shards when attacking. Can be toggled On/Off with the skill key.

Max Level: When Trigger Skill hits , creates shard every 6 sec, consume 30 MP upon creation. Cooldown: 500 sec.
Upgrade Skill
HEXA Hunting Decree HEXA Hunting Decree "Command nearby aether swords created with Aether Forge to pursue the enemy, while Adele is in combat. Can only be used when there are aether swords present . If you and the aether swords are separated, those swords will return to attack. Unaffected by attack reflection. When the pursuing aether swords disappear, aether can be obtained proportionate to the remaining duration. Required Skill: Hunting Decree Lv. 20 "

Max Level: MP Cost: MP 52, Aether Cost: 100 For each aether sword, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: 800%, Number of Attacks: 2 Can command up to 6 swords. When you exceed the max number and a command is given, the aether sword with the least duration left vanishes. When the attack hits, 15% chance to create aether crystal. Cooldown: 500 sec
Upgrade Skill
HEXA Plummet HEXA Plummet [Trigger Skill] Wrap your body in potent magic and dive upon your foes. Required Skill: Plummet Lv. 20

Max Level: MP Cost: 62 Drop straight down when used in the air, Damage: 815%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6 Cooldown: 1500 sec
Upgrade Skill
Maestro Maestro Commands a flurry of swords from the aether to sweep the battleground. Lv. 10: Ignore Defense +20% Lv. 20: Boss Damage +20% Lv. 30: Ignore Defense +30% and Boss Damage +30%

Max Level: MP Cost: 1200, invincible during casting Summons aether sword and 29 Chase Cuts occur which attack up to 15 enemies with 1370% damage 10 times Finally, by controlling the aether sword, 57 final blows attack up to 15 enemies with 1370% damage 14 times Cooldown: 360 sec


04/12/2024 - Added 6th job skills for Adele

01/07/2024 - Added skill stat detail.

26/11/2020 - Added Adele's 5th Job Skill Storm from the Awake update.

22/07/2020 - First Version Live.


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Hey, thnx for the skillbuild but in 4th job you didn’t mentioned perfection. Keep up the good work????
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Oops! Fixed!
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Hi, any suggestions for Hexa stats?
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