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MapleStory x Demon Slayer Event Guide

March 20, 2025

A new crossover event is available in MapleStory GMS with the popular manga Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba. This event was made live with patch V.258, allowing players to create a brand new temporary class called Tanjiro Kamado!

The MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Collaboration will last until April 28th 2025.

If you head in-game now, select the [Demon Slayer] Travel to Nameless Mansion to begin!

New Class: Tanjiro Kamado

Tanjiro Kamado Class MapleStory

The new Demon Slayer crossover event allows you to create a new class called Tanjiro Kamado. This is a temporary class and will be turned into a Hero class after the event.

You can create the new class now from the Create Character Menu (an extra character slot will be given).

The new class starts at Level 10 in Henesys and has only one job tied to it.

Skills are unlocked as you level up the class (there are no job advancements or SP needed!).

Tanjiro's Journal


Once you have created a new Tanjiro Kamado class, you can participate in Tanjiro's Journal.

The journal is split into two parts: Progress Journal and Mission Journal

Progress Journal

The progress journal has 24 different goals to achieve, each with their own unique requirement and reward.

Goal Mission Reward
1 Click on the Claim button Basic Training Package
2 Reach Lv. 60 Special Medal of Honor x50
3 Use 1 Rune Monster Park Free Entry Ticket x1 Voucher x5
4 Reach Lv. 100 Tera Character Burninator
5 Reach Lv. 140 Boss Accessory Box
6 Achieve 100 Star Force Extreme Growth Potion x20
7 Reach Lv. 170 15 Star Root Abyss Set Box (Limited Time Only)
8 Complete the scenario in the region "Vanishing Journey" Hyper Character Burninator
9 Beat the 10th floor of Mu Lung Dojo Level 7 Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey
10 Clear Vanishing Journey Monster Park 1 time AbsoLab Weapon/Dominator Pendant Selection Box
11 Unique Inner Ability Growth Potion Selector Coupon
12 Complete Chu Chu Island Scenario Karma Star Force 17-Star Enhancement
13 Clear Chu Chu Island Monster Park 1 time Level 7 Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island
14 Complete Lachelein Scenario Karma Unique Potential Scroll 100%
15 Clear Lachelein Monster Park 1 time Level 7 Arcane Symbol: Lachelein
16 Reach 160 Arcane Power Karma Black Flame of Rebirth
17 Complete Arcana Scenario Level 7 Arcane Symbol: Arcana
18 Complete Morass Scenario Level 7 Arcane Symbol: Morass
19 Complete Esfera Scenario Level 7 Arcane Symbol: Esfera
20 Complete Moonbridge Scenario Sol Erda Fragment Exchange Ticket
21 Reach level 250 Arcane Weapon Box
22 Clear the Monster Park in "Labyrinth of Suffering" once. Event Ring Selector Coupon (Legendary)
23 Reach level 255 Legendary Emblem Box
24 Reach level 260 Give it all you’ve got, Tanjiro!  Medal Coupon

Mission Journal

The Mission Journal is a weekly task you need to complete on your Tanjiro Kamado character.

Mission Reward Week
  • Defeat Hard Hilla
  • Defeat Normal Cygnus
  • Defeat Chaos Zakum
  • Defeat Chaos Pink Bean
Sakonji Mask Coupon Week 1 (March 19th)
  • Defeat Chaos Crimson Queen
  • Defeat Chaos Pierre
  • Defeat Chaos Von Bon
Tanjiro Chat/Label Ring Coupon Week 2 (March 26th)
  • Defeat Chaos Vellum
  • Defeat Hard Magnus
  • Defeat Chaos Papulatus
Training with Inosuke Chair Week 3 (April 2nd)
  • Defeat Lotus on normal or higher difficulty
  • Defeat Damien on normal or higher difficulty
Nezukoroid Coupon Week 4 (April 9th)

Tanjiro’s Maple Expedition

Support Skills

Once you've created your first Tanjiro Kamado class, you can claim two support skills on your other characters by accepting the quest [Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba] Tanjiro's Maple Expedition.

The skills give you bonuses based on the level of your Tanjiro Kamado class.

Skill Level Requirements:

  • Level 1: Create a Tanjiro Kamado
  • Level 2: Reach Level 50
  • Level 3: Reach Level 100 (Unlocked on April 2nd)
  • Level 4: Reach Level 150 (Unlocked on April 2nd)
  • Level 5: Reach Level 200 (Unlocked on April 16th)
  • Level 6: Reach Level 250 (Unlocked on April 16th)

Tanjiro's Support Skill:

Stat Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6
Attack Power & Magic ATT +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30
Boss Damage +5% +10% +20% +30% +35% +40%
Ignore Defense +5% +10% +20% +30% +35% +40%
All Stats +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60
HP / MP +500 +1000 +1500 +2000 +2500 +3000
Buff Duration +5% +10% +15% +20% +25% +30%
Critical Rate +5% +10% +15% +20% +25% +30%
Arcane Power +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60

Janjiro's Support: Dancing Flash has a cooldown of 1200 seconds, invincible whilst casting and hits up to 15 enemies for high damage.

Demon Slayer Corps Training Journal

Training Journal

Level Requirement: 101

First speak to Inosuke Hashibira, then Kanao Tsuyuri to begin the quest Demon Slayer Corps Training Journal.

The training journal can be completed once per day per account. You need to complete 1 of the following in order to complete the journal:

  • Activate Zenitsu and Inosuke's Maple Expedition 3 times
  • Get at least 300 points in the Demon Slayer Training Test (Available from April 2nd)
  • Play the Coin Flip Challenge. (Available from April 16th)

Here are the rewards you can earn:

  • Day 1 - Prepared Pendant of the Spirit Coupon
  • Day 2 - Trait Boost Potion x3
  • Day 3 - Special Medal of Honor x50
  • Day 4 - Symbol Selector Coupon (300/60)
  • Day 5 - 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon
  • Day 6 - 3x EXP coupon (30 minutes) x5
  • Day 7 - Nodestone x100
  • Day 8 - Event Ring Exclusive Solid Cube x200
  • Day 9 - Karma Black Rebirth Flame x100
  • Day 10 - Event Ring Exc. Leg. Potential Scroll 100% x1
  • Day 11 - 3x EXP coupon (30 minutes) x5
  • Day 12 - Sol Erda
  • Day 13 - Special Medal of Honor x50
  • Day 14 - Symbol Selector Coupon (300/60)
  • Day 15 - Muichiro Hair Coupon
  • Day 16 - 3x EXP coupon (30 minutes) x5
  • Day 17 - Nodestone x100
  • Day 18 - Legendary Circulator x2
  • Day 19 - Karma Black Rebirth Flame x100
  • Day 20 - Karma Unique Potential Scroll 100%
  • Day 21 - 3x EXP coupon (30 minutes) x5
  • Day 22 - Sol Erda
  • Day 23 - Black Circulator x5
  • Day 24 - Symbol Selector Coupon (300/60)
  • Day 25 - Transcendent Growth Potion


Complete all 25 Days to receive: MapleStory X Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Medal.

Zenitus and Inosuke's Maple Expedition

Level Requirement: 101

Complete the Demon Slayer Corps Training Journal quest first to activate this quest.

Once activated, you'll gain a skill that will trigger upon certain conditions. When training on monsters near your level, you'll be able to:

  • Beast Breathing: Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting - Activated upon defeating 100 monsters
  • Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunderclap and Flash: Sixfold - Activated upon defeating 300 monsters

The skill can only be activated 20 times per day.

There is a hidden mission to earn a Inosukeroid Coupon, which gives:

  • Inosukeroid (Android)
  • Lidium Heart

Demon Slayer Training Test

A new mini-game will be coming on April 2nd.

Experience the training of a Demon Slayer Corps Member and earn EXP Vouchers!

  • Talk to NPC Kanao or use the Event UI to participate in the mini-game.
    • Time presses of the Interact/Harvest key inside the gauge area to earn points.
    • If you fail to place the marker within the gauge the mini-game will end.
    • You earn a maximum of 300 points when playing the mini-game.
      • You can continue to play the game even after accumulating 300 points and claiming the reward once a day.
  • Once 300 points are obtained, talk to Kanao to receive EXP Voucher (x400): Tradable within world, 30-day duration.
    • EXP Vouchers can only be claimed up to 5 times a week and reset weekly every Wednesday at 12:00 AM UTC.
  • Obtain 3,000 cumulative points to receive a Gourd Training Test Chair: Tradable within world, Permanent.

Coin Flip Challenge

On April 16th, the Coin Flip Challenge will be available:

Guess heads or tails against Kanao to receive Sol Erda Fragments and more!

  • Players must accept the ‘[Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba] Coin Flip Challenge’ quest through the event icon or by talking to NPC Kanao.
  • Players are tasked to complete 1 of 4 random missions.

Mission Name



Clean Up Surrounding Enemies

Defeat 1,000 enemies near your level


Collect Scattered Wisteria Flowers

Defeat enemies near your level and collect the items that are dropped


Defeat Powerful Enemy

Defeat 2 Elite Monsters or Elite Champions


I Didn't Do Anything

Completes immediately


    • Once completed, players can click the ‘Start’ button on the UI and choose ‘Heads’ or ‘Tails’
      • You can challenge up to 3 times.
      • The mini-game ends after a failed attempt and you will earn rewards based on the attempts made.
    • Players can participate in the event once per day which resets daily at 12:00 AM UTC.

Coin Flip Challenge Rewards





Fail 1st Challenge

Succeed 1st Challenge

Fail 2nd Time

2 Successes in a Row

Fail 3rd Time

3 Successes in a Row

Sol Erda Fragment Coupon
Use coupon to obtain: Sol Erda Fragment x1: Untradable, Permanent.

Tradable within World

14-day duration.







  • Participate 10 times to receive the following final rewards (Participation amount will count regardless of a success or failed attempt):
    • It's the Heart That Drives People Title Coupon: Tradable within world, 14-day duration. Use to receive:
      • It's the Heart That Drives People Title: Untradable, Permanent.


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Aleph - Editor In Chief

Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.

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