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MapleStory Lotus Remaster Guide

November 11, 2024

Lotus has been given a complete makeover with the new Lotus Remaster Boss now available in MapleStory GMS! This boss guide will detail all the mechanics, prequests and boss rewards you can get for defeating Lotus.

Lotus was officially remastered in patch v.253 and is named Lotus Redux, otherwise known as Lotus Remaster. The revamped version includes brand new boss mechanics and a new Extreme difficulty mode added for high-level players.

This update also removed the need to complete the Lotus Prequests! You can now face Lotus when you reach Level 190 and can skip having to do the Black Heaven Storyline quests (which would take several hours to complete!)

If you're looking for the old version of Lotus, check out our old Lotus boss guide.

Lotus Redux - What's changed?

Aside from a completely new boss battle, there were also a few other changes added to Lotus. Lotus has been a boss battle for early-game/mid-game players for the longest time and was once the pinnacle of boss fights.

With the new update comes the Extreme Mode, which should only be challenged by end-game players.

New drops were also added to Lotus, including:

During the release, you could also earn exclusive rewards for defeating Lotus on either Normal or Extreme difficulties:


Normal Clear

  • Wing Master Chat Ring / Wing Master Label Ring (x1 clear)
  • Lotus Chat Emoticon (x2 clears)
  • Wing Master Damage Skin (Unit) Coupon (x3 clears)
  • Black Heaven Heart (Chair) (x4 clears)

Extreme Clear

  • Berserked Cape Effect Coupon
  • Black Heaven Adversary (Medal)

Lotus Remaster Boss Mechanics

Level Requirement: 190

Lives: 5

There are three stages to the new Lotus boss, just like before. Depending on what mode you choose, most of the mechanics remain the same but deal more damage and Lotus's HP increases.

There are three modes:

  • Normal
  • Hard
  • Extreme

Lotus Gauge

Throughout the fight, Lotus has a gauge that will increase the more damage you take. You can decrease this gauge by having Lotus be hit by it's own attacks, such as the laser attack shown directly below. Once it fills up, Lotus will go into a enraged mode and deal new attacks.

Lotus Lasers

You'll also have to content with being targeted by two lasers that will follow you around the map. When they are about to attack, they stay in place, at which point you'll want to dodge them. These lasers are in all three phases of the fight.

Lotus Phase 1

Phase One

In the first stage of Lotus, you'll find Lotus is trapped in the middle and is very easy to hit. You likely won't have to deal with the enraged mode in this phase due to how many attacks hit Lotus.


Lotus Shield

Lotus will periodically cast a shield around itself. This will cause your damage to be reduced and the HP of Lotus will be protected until you destroy the shield. The shield can also be damaged by having the Lotus lasers explode on it.

Floor Lightning


The floor lightning is back, but not nearly as powerful as in the previous boss fight. You can simply up-jump to dodge it. You'll know when this move is about to happen when the floor turns light-blue.

Floor Spinning Saws


Lotus will summon four spinning disc saws that rise up from the floor. They can either hit the middle, left side or right side. You can watch the eye animation to know which side they are going to hit.

Falling Debris


Throughout the fight falling debris with a red glow will fall to the ground. They only damage you when they explode, which is about 5 seconds after they reach the floor.

Arm Attacks


Lotus will also fire it's long mechanical arms at you a number of times. A short animation will play in the spot they are about to it, usually right on top of you so you'll need to be constantly moving to dodge them.

Floor Pods


Lotus will also summon floor pods that stay in place for several seconds and then explode.

Robot Mob


A robot mob will be summoned periodically that will float slowly towards you. When it reaches your position, it will explode and cast slow if hit.


Lotus will fire out a blue stun near the bottom middle from time to time. You can watch for the animated orbs around Lotus's body to know when it will hit.

Lotus Phase 2

Phase 2

In Phase Two, Lotus will now follow you around the map and attack you.

You're likely have to deal with Lotus Enraged mode. He will summon a new attack during this mode that you'll need to deal with:



Getting hit by the barricades is one-shot, no matter what mode you're on. There are two safe spots, the top left platform and the bottom right. You have about 5 seconds to get to these platforms from when the announcement shows on the screen to avoid the attack.


Also during Enraged mode, a robot will appear on your head and explode shortly after it stays locked in position and will also knock you upwards.

Laser Plume


A red laser will shoot down on your last position and explode seconds later. In phase two, you'll have three of these appear consecutively after the enranged mode ends.



Lotus has a push-knockback attack that will fling you across the map. Stand either really close to him or on the opposite side.

Falling Debris

The falling debris continue and will fall from the middle of the map to outwards of the map slowly.

Blue Portals

Blue Portals

These portals will explode after a certain amount of time, but you can easily dodge them by standing between them.

Blue Mark


Lotus can also mark you with a blue orb above your head; this will detonate and fling you across the map after a short period. You can use movement skills to dodge it, iframes or stand on top of lotus during the casting of the attack.

Blue Orb

Lotus will fire a light-blue orb towards you; it will explode

Lotus Phase 3

Phase 3

Many of the mechanics from stage 2 follow in this one, but also Lotus is constantly enraged, so will be constantly summoning barricades that you need to dodge.

There is a map portal in both safe spots that allows you teleport between them. You can use this to dodge mechanics.

Laser Web

Laser Web

This move will create a web across the screen of the map; you can dodge it by standing in the gaps of the web.

Red Portals

Red Portals

Lotus will also summon red portals that will deal damage after several seconds. They will also stun you.

Falling Fireballs


There will be several highlighted yellow areas that appear; after several seconds, fireballs will slowly fall from the top of the map down to the bottom. You can dodge them by standing in between.

Missile Projectiles

Throughout the fight, Lotus will fire a single missile directly at you that deals damage upon being hit. They are very fast, so be constantly moving.

Platform projectiles

Lotus will also break up the map platforms and then fire them at you, which will explode on hit.

Upgraded Push

Lotus's push attack is upgraded to also hit behind him; you can press down to duck the back push or use up-jump to escape it entirely.

Lotus Boss Drops

Boss Drops

Lotus drops the item Extraordinary Energy Core (Grade S) which can be used to create Absolab Coins and purchase Absolab Equipment.

If you fight Lotus on either Hard or Extreme, it also has a chance to drop Absolab Equipment directly.

The following is a list of known Lotus drops:

Normal Lotus

  • Bonus Mystical Cube
  • Hard Cube
  • Solid Cube
  • Annihilation Weapon Lotus Soul Shard
  • Extraordinary Energy Core (Grade S)
  • Unique Lotus Familiar Card
  • Boss Crystal (32,512,500 Mesos)

Hard Lotus

  • Bonus Mystical Cube
  • Hard Cube
  • Solid Cube
  • Annihilation Weapon Lotus Soul Shard
  • Extraordinary Energy Core (Grade S)
  • Unique Lotus Familiar Card
  • Absolab Equipment
  • Berserked (Pitched Boss Set)
  • Sol Erda Energy
  • Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%
  • Boss Crystal (74,112,500 Mesos)

Extreme Lotus

  • Bonus Mystical Cube
  • Hard Cube
  • Solid Cube
  • Annihilation Weapon Lotus Soul Shard
  • Extraordinary Energy Core (Grade S)
  • Unique Lotus Familiar Card
  • Absolab Equipment
  • Berserked (Pitched Boss Set)
  • Annihilation Weapon Lotusroid
  • Total Control (Pitched Boss Set Accessory)
  • Black Rebirth Flame
  • Eternal Rebirth Flame
  • Sol Erda Energy
  • Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%
  • Boss Crystal (215,000,000 Mesos)


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