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MapleStory Magnus Boss Guide

August 27, 2024

Hard Magnus used to be one of the toughest bosses in MapleStory but with the latest updates it's now a very simple fight. This guide will show you all of Magnu's mechanics so you can take him down and secure his item drops!

Magnus was first released in patch V125 for the Tempest Update on December 2012. His boss fight has remained largely unchanged since it's release, but with MapleStory's power creep and the new 6th Job Advancement, defeating Magnus is now more easier than ever.

Magnus is the boss of Tyrant Castle in the Heliseum Area of MapleStory. He can be accessed via Pantheon and the Magnus Pre-quests is quite lengthy in order to unlock him. However, once you complete it, you will unlock the Magnus fight for all characters on your MapleStory account.

Magnus Boss Modes

There are three modes for Magnus, and they drop the following Boss Crystals:

  • Easy - 722,000 Mesos (Daily)
  • Normal - 2,592,000 Mesos (Daily)
  • Hard - 19,012,500 Mesos (Weekly)

Magnus Boss Fight Mechanics

Once you've unlocked Magnus via his prequests, you can fight him via the Boss Content UI and be teleported directly to his chamber.

The mechanics for each mode are the same, they just do different amounts of damage.

The great part about the Magnus Boss fight is you have a massive amount of lives: 15! It allows even low-funded MapleStory players take him down.

As soon as you enter Magnus's Boss Room, the fight will start.

Magnus's Shield

100% Shield

In order to deal max damage to Magnus, you must attack him whilst inside the blue shield surrounding Magnus.

When you are outside the blue shield, you will slowly lose HP.


The Blue shield will shrink based on how much HP Magnus has left. It depletes all the way down to 25% Health.

Magnus Meteors


There are three different meteors that fall from the sky. They deal different amounts of damage if you touch them:

  • Purple - 1 Hit KO
  • Blue - 60% Damage
  • Green - 50% Damage

The speed at which the Meteors fall increases as the fight goes on.

Magnus Purple Blast

Magnus Blast

When Magnus jumps into the air and folds his wings around him, he is preparing for his purple blast attack. Two purple beams will shoot out either side of him and if hit you will be 1-hit KO'd.

You can dodge it by either standing directly beneath Magnus or further away from him.

Magnus Spin Slash

Spin Slash

The Magnus Spin Slash attack will knock you back if caught, dealing around 60% damage.

Whilst the damage from this attack isn't too bad- getting pushed into falling meteors is more dangerous part of it. The move doesn't have a huge hit-box so you can easily dodge it.

Magnus Sword Slam

Sword Slam

Magnus will slam it's sword directly down and deal a 1-hit KO blow if you are caught in the hitbox. The move has a small delay where Magnus leaps into the air, so it's easily recognizable move that you can get out of the way of.

Magnus Green Blasts

Green Blasts

Magnus will also summon up to six green blast portals. They will appear above an area of the map and after about 3 seconds, blast down and will 1-hit KO you if you get caught in the area.

To dodge, just make sure you don't get caught in the green area.

Magnus Green Gas

Green Gas

The Green Gas will appear at either end of the Magnus boss fight map.

If you get caught in it, you'll be stunned for around 10 seconds. You can use Hero's Will to get out of it.

Magnus Web


Magnus will also perform a dark purple shroud move that if you get caught in it, will cause a web to cover you and then cause slowness. The effect doesn't last very long (compared to the green gas move).

Magnus Zombie

Similar to the web attack, Magnus will curse you with Zombified that will cause your Potion healing to not work.

Magnus Rush


Magnus will also perform a rush attack where he will dart in the direction of you. It will only deal a small amount of damage if you get caught  and is useful for luring Magnus away from either end of the boss map so that you don't get caught in the green gas zones.

Magnus Boss Drops

Below you can see what drops you can obtain from Magnus when you defeat it.

Magnus Soul is one of the best MapleStory Souls in the game, so this boss is well worth adding to your daily rotation!

Crystal Ventus Badge and Royal Black Metal Shoulder are both equips that are great for early-game Maplestory! Check out our MapleStory Progression Guide.

Easy Magnus Normal Magnus Hard Magnus
  • Spell Trace
  • Mystical Cube
  • Magnus Soul Shard
  • Royal Black Metal Shoulder
  • Crystal Ventus Badge
  • Boss Crystal (722,000 Mesos)
  • Spell Trace
  • Mystical Cube
  • Magnus Soul Shard
  • Royal Black Metal Shoulder
  • Crystal Ventus Badge
  • Hard Cube
  • Solid Cube
  • Elite Heliseum Equipment
  • Nova Altair Equipment
  • Kaiserion
  • Elixir
  • Medal Of Honor
  • Shadowdealer Coin
  • Boss Crystal (2,592,000 Mesos)
  • Spell Trace
  • Mystical Cube
  • Bonus Mystical Cube
  • Magnus Soul Shard
  • Royal Black Metal Shoulder
  • Crystal Ventus Badge
  • Hard Cube
  • Solid Cube
  • Elite Heliseum Equipment
  • Nova Altair Equipment
  • Tyrant Cloak
  • Cursed Kaiserium
  • Power Elixir
  • Medal Of Honor
  • Shadowdealer Coin
  • Magnus Coin
  • Boss Crystal (19,012,500 Mesos)


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Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.

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