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Opening Pokemon Celebration Mini-Tins!

November 7, 2023

Pokemon Celebration Mini Tins are one of the best products to buy in terms of price per Celebrations Booster Pack and today we're going to open an entire set of Mini-Tins!

Each Pokemon Celebration Mini-Tin comes with 2 Celebration Booster Packs and 1 regular Sword & Shield Booster Pack. They also contain a large plastic coin with a Pikachu engraved on it.

If you didn't already know, the Pokemon Celebrations Card List contains 50 different cards for you to collect. It includes 25 reprints from some of the most loved cards in the series, including all three starter evolutions Blastoise, Charizard and Venusaur. Getting a hold of Pokemon Celebration Boosters requires you to buy one of several different Pokemon Celebration products as they are not selling a Pokemon Celebrations Booster Box.

Each Mini-Tin also comes with a Pokemon Art Card that when you collect them all, produces a giant piece of art of all the starters in the current Pokemon series. The Art Card is based on the tin you're opening, so if you buy the box of mini-tins you'll be guaranteed to get the set.

There are 8 different tins to collect and an entire set will cost you around $70-80 at MSRP. Check out the other Pokemon Celebration Products.

Mini Tins Box Pokemon Celebrations

Pokemon Celebration Mini Tins

Previously we opened a Pokemon Celebrations Elite Trainer Box in the hunt for the Base Set Charizard. We'll now be opening another 16 Celebration Booster Packs from a complete set of Mini-Tins. Let us know in the comments if you'd like to see us rip some more Celebrations!

Pokemon Celebration Mini-Tins Booster Pack Openings

Click on each Booster Pack below to see what pulls we got from these 16 Celebration Booster Packs.

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=1 boosterid=4 cards=7428,7439,7442,7446]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=2 boosterid=4 cards=7429,7431,7438,7460]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=3 boosterid=4 cards=7429,7437,7440,7443]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=4 boosterid=4 cards=7437,7438,7440,7446]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=5 boosterid=4 cards=7428,7438,7439,7449]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=6 boosterid=4 cards=7438,7446,7447,7448]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=7 boosterid=4 cards=7427,7430,7436,7450]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=8 boosterid=4 cards=7427,7430,7436,7447]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=9 boosterid=4 cards=7428,7431,7438,7439]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=10 boosterid=4 cards=7427,7430,7439,7449]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=11 boosterid=4 cards=7431,7438,7445,7466]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=12 boosterid=4 cards=7427,7431,7443,7448]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=13 boosterid=4 cards=7440,7444,7448,7472]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=14 boosterid=4 cards=7428,7430,7439,7447]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=15 boosterid=4 cards=7437,7445,7448,7454]

[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=16 boosterid=4 cards=7428,7430,7431,7446]

Top Pulls From Celebration Openings

Evolution Incense

Evolution Incense


Gold Star Umbreon is one of the most rarest cards in the entire Pokemon Celebrations set and we've managed to pull it! This card is currently going for around $60 at the time of writing this and so this pull almost has us at break-even.

The card itself is also one of many chase cards that make the Pokemon Celebrations set such a fun set to open.






Rare Holo

The rest of the pulls from this selection of Mini Tins wasn't great, but we did manage to get the Venusaur from Base Set and also the full-art Zekrom card.

Want to see more Pokemon TCG Openings? Let us know in the comments and we'll go grab some more!


Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Nintendo. We are not affiliated with Nintendo or Pokemon in any way.


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Aleph - Editor In Chief

Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.

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