The final expansion of the X and Y Series is Ancient Origins. This is the seventh set of the series, featuring Pokemon from Generation VI.
August 12th, 2015
Set Cost
#001 Oddish
#002 Gloom
#003 Vileplume
#004 Bellossom
#005 Spinarak
#006 Ariados
#007 Sceptile EX
#008 M Sceptile EX
#009 Combee
#010 Vespiqueen
#011 Vespiquen
#012 Virizion
#013 Flareon
#014 Entei
#015 Entei
#016 Larvesta
#017 Volcarona
#018 Volcarona
#019 Magikarp
#020 Gyarados
#021 Gyarados
#022 Vaporeon
#023 Relicanth
#024 Regice
#025 Kyurem EX
#026 Jolteon
#027 Ampharos EX
#028 M Ampharos EX
#029 Rotom
#030 Unown
#031 Baltoy
#032 Baltoy
#033 Claydol
#034 Golett
#035 Golurk
#036 Hoopa EX
#037 Machamp EX
#038 Wooper
#039 Quagsire
#040 Regirock
#041 Golurk
#042 Tyranitar EX
#043 M Tyranitar EX
#044 Sableye
#045 Inkay
#046 Malamar
#047 Beldum
#048 Metang
#049 Metagross
#050 Metagross