Breakpoint is the second set in the XY BREAK series and features Pokemon from Generation VI.
February 3rd, 2016
Set Cost
#001 Chikorita
#002 Bayleef
#003 Meganium
#004 Seedot
#005 Kricketot
#006 Kricketune
#007 Petilil
#008 Lilligant
#009 Durant
#010 Growlithe
#011 Arcanine
#012 Numel
#013 Camerupt
#014 Emboar EX
#015 Heatmor
#016 Psyduck
#017 Golduck
#018 Golduck BREAK
#019 Slowpoke
#020 Slowbro
#021 Slowking
#022 Shellder
#023 Shellder
#024 Cloyster
#025 Staryu
#026 Gyarados EX
#027 M Gyarados EX
#028 Lapras
#029 Corsola
#030 Suicune
#031 Palkia EX
#032 Manaphy EX
#033 Tympole
#034 Palpitoad
#035 Seismitoad
#036 Ducklett
#037 Swanna
#038 Froakie
#039 Frogadier
#040 Greninja
#041 Greninja BREAK
#042 Electabuzz
#043 Electivire
#044 Shinx
#045 Luxio
#046 Luxray
#047 Luxray BREAK
#048 Blitzle
#049 Zebstrika
#050 Drowzee