Fates Collide is the third set in the X and Y Break Series that features Pokemon from Generation VI.
May 2nd, 2016
Set Cost
#001 Shuckle
#002 Burmy
#003 Wormadam
#004 Mothim
#005 Snivy
#006 Servine
#007 Serperior
#008 Deerling
#009 Moltres
#010 Fennekin
#011 Fennekin
#012 Braixen
#013 Delphox
#014 Delphox BREAK
#015 Seel
#016 Dewgong
#017 Omanyte
#018 Omastar
#019 Omastar BREAK
#020 Glaceon EX
#021 White Kyurem
#022 Binacle
#023 Barbaracle
#024 Rotom
#025 Alakazam EX
#026 M Alakazam EX
#027 Koffing
#028 Weezing
#029 Mew
#030 Spoink
#031 Grumpig
#032 Gothita
#033 Solosis
#034 Duosion
#035 Reuniclus
#036 Diglett
#037 Marowak
#038 Kabuto
#039 Kabutops
#040 Larvitar
#041 Larvitar
#042 Pupitar
#043 Regirock EX
#044 Wormadam
#045 Riolu
#046 Riolu
#047 Lucario
#048 Hawlucha
#049 Carbink
#050 Carbink