Furious Fists is the 3rd set of the X and Y series featuring Pokemon from Generation VI.
August 13th, 2014
Set Cost
#001 Bellsprout
#002 Weepinbell
#003 Victreebell
#004 Heracross EX
#005 M Heracross EX
#006 Shroomish
#007 Leafeon
#008 Shelmet
#009 Accelgor
#010 Magmar
#011 Magmortar
#012 Torchic
#013 Combusken
#014 Blaziken
#015 Poliwag
#016 Poliwhirl
#017 Poliwrath
#018 Politoed
#019 Glaceon
#020 Seismitoad EX
#021 Cubchoo
#022 Beartic
#023 Clauncher
#024 Clawitzer
#025 Amaura
#026 Aurorus
#027 Pikachu
#028 Raichu
#029 Electabuzz
#030 Electivire
#031 Plusle
#032 Minun
#033 Thundurus
#034 Dedenne
#035 Drowzee
#036 Hypno
#037 Jynx
#038 Skorupi
#039 Gothita
#040 Gothorita
#041 Gothitelle
#042 Golett
#043 Golurk
#044 Machop
#045 Machoke
#046 Machamp
#047 Hitmonlee
#048 Hitmonchan
#049 Hitmontop
#050 Breloom