Unified Minds is the eleventh main set to be released in the Sun & Moon Pokemon TCG series.
August 2nd, 2019
Set Cost
#001 Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor GX
#002 Yanma
#003 Yanmega
#004 Celebi
#005 Shroomish
#006 Sewaddle
#007 Sewaddle
#008 Swadloon
#009 Leavanny
#010 Dwebble
#011 Crustle
#012 Karrablast
#013 Foongus
#014 Amoonguss
#015 Fomantis
#016 Lurantis
#017 Bounsweet
#018 Steenee
#019 Tsareena
#020 Dhelmise
#021 Magmar
#022 Magmortar
#023 Numel
#024 Camerupt
#025 Heatran GX
#026 Victini
#027 Litwick
#028 Litwick
#029 Lampent
#030 Chandelure
#031 Fletchinder
#032 Talonflame
#033 Salandit
#034 Salazzle
#035 Slowpoke & Psyduck GX
#036 Lapras
#037 Snorunt
#038 Froslass
#039 Finneon
#040 Lumineon
#041 Snover
#042 Abomasnow
#043 Basculin
#044 Tirtouga
#045 Carracosta
#046 Cryogonal
#047 Keldeo GX
#048 Dewpider
#049 Araquanid
#050 Wimpod