We recently got our hands on some more Vivid Voltage Booster Packs and today we're going to open 10 more of them in the search for more pulls towards our Pokemon TCG collection!
Vivid Voltage first came out in November 2020 and the booster packs are quite hard to get hold of. These packs come from the 3-set blisters, which contain the promo Vaporeon and Sobble cards (as well as a Pokemon TCG coin!). To round it up to 10 packs, we also got a random Vivid Voltage Booster Pack.
Check out the Vivid Voltage Pull Rates.
The best cards to pull from Vivid Voltage are the Rainbow Pikachu VMAX, which at the time of writing this article goes for around $300.00!
Vivid Voltage Booster Pack Openings
You can click on the Booster Pack below to see what we get and also see how much each individual card is worth.
Below each pack is a summary of their price when the pack was opened (21/05/2021). The price of each card is automatically updated using an API, so you can come back to this blog post in a 6 months time to see if the price of these cards has increased or not!
Hopefully we can collect all the cards in the Vivid Voltage set!
NOTE: Click on a Booster Pack image to reveal the card openings!
[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=1 boosterid=1 cards=36,41,44,102,134,161,185,231,245,300]
[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=2 boosterid=1 cards=1,11,62,80,126,194,200,207,242,264]
[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=3 cards=20,26,49,94,132,157,207,214,217,286]
[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=4 cards=3,32,98,104,122,197,227,251,277,314]
[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=5 cards=6,11,20,64,68,142,153,225,262,292]
[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=6 cards=7,49,62,115,134,211,214,216,249,292]
[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=7 cards=34,49,94,132,166,204,207,214,229,286]
[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=8 cards=7,50,56,90,138,147,185,192,231,300]
[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=9 cards=3,13,68,100,114,122,169,203,269,288]
[pokemon_booster_vv randomid=10 cards=1,34,39,56,65,102,114,169,251,286]
Card | Type | Approx Price |
Dhelmise | Normal | $0.16 |
Charmander | Normal | $0.23 |
Charmeleon | ReverseHolo | $0.50 |
Tynamo | Normal | $0.13 |
Woobat | Normal | $0.15 |
Donphan | Normal | $0.28 |
Clobbopus | Normal | $0.13 |
Stunfisk | Normal | $0.15 |
Taillow | Normal | $0.14 |
Aromatic Energy | Normal | $0.25 |
Total Pack #1 | $2.12 | |
Weedle | Normal | $0.15 |
Yanma | Normal | $0.15 |
Dewott | Normal | $0.20 |
Voltorb | Normal | $0.15 |
Duskull | Normal | $0.13 |
Sableye | Normal | $0.19 |
Krokorok | ReverseHolo | $0.25 |
Meowth | Normal | $0.13 |
Snorlax | Holo | $3.12 |
Trumbeak | Normal | $0.20 |
Total Pack #2 | $4.67 | |
Nuzleaf | Normal | $0.20 |
Ninjask | Normal | $0.25 |
Slugma | Normal | $0.15 |
Blitzle | Normal | $0.14 |
Chimecho | Normal | $0.15 |
Shuckle | Normal | $0.20 |
Meowth | Normal | $0.13 |
Beldum | Normal | $0.14 |
Metang | ReverseHolo | $0.25 |
Memory Capsule | Normal | $0.25 |
Total Pack #3 | $1.86 | |
Kakuna | Normal | $0.20 |
Skiddo | Normal | $0.13 |
Joltik | Normal | $0.15 |
Eelektrik | Normal | $0.15 |
Shuppet | Normal | $0.15 |
Sandile | Normal | $0.12 |
Ferroseed | Normal | $0.15 |
Loudred | Normal | $0.16 |
Circhester Bath | ReverseHolo | $0.33 |
Alakazam V | Holo | $7.95 |
Total Pack #4 | $9.49 | |
Beedrill | ReverseHolo | $0.36 |
Yanma | Normal | $0.15 |
Nuzleaf | Normal | $0.20 |
Samurott | Normal | $0.39 |
Chewtle | Normal | $0.13 |
Dedenne | Normal | $0.15 |
Wooper | Normal | $0.15 |
Excadrill | Normal | $0.18 |
Pikipek | Normal | $0.15 |
Opal | Normal | $0.20 |
Total Pack #5 | $2.06 | |
Exeggcute | Normal | $0.15 |
Slugma | Normal | $0.15 |
Dewott | Normal | $0.20 |
Clefairy | ReverseHolo | $0.30 |
Woobat | Normal | $0.15 |
Forretress | Normal | $0.25 |
Beldum | Normal | $0.14 |
Metang | Normal | $0.15 |
Whismur | Normal | $0.12 |
Opal | Normal | $0.20 |
Total Pack #6 | $1.81 | |
Gogoat | Normal | $0.15 |
Slugma | Normal | $0.15 |
Blitzle | Normal | $0.14 |
Chimecho | Normal | $0.15 |
Regirock | Holo | $0.58 |
Trubbish | ReverseHolo | $0.26 |
Meowth | Normal | $0.13 |
Beldum | Normal | $0.14 |
Ferrothorn | Normal | $0.15 |
Memory Capsule | Normal | $0.25 |
Total Pack #7 | $2.10 | |
Exeggcute | Normal | $0.15 |
Slugma | ReverseHolo | $0.25 |
Wailmer | Normal | $0.15 |
Electrike | Normal | $0.14 |
Cottonee | Normal | $0.13 |
Diancie | Holo | $0.50 |
Clobbopus | Normal | $0.13 |
Mightyena | Normal | $0.16 |
Stunfisk | Normal | $0.15 |
Aromatic Energy | Normal | $0.25 |
Total Pack #8 | $2.01 | |
Kakuna | Normal | $0.20 |
Yanmega | Normal | $0.27 |
Chewtle | Normal | $0.13 |
Galvantula | Normal | $0.15 |
Clefairy | Normal | $0.15 |
Shuppet | Normal | $0.15 |
Drilbur | Normal | $0.12 |
Trubbish | Normal | $0.14 |
Allister | ReverseHolo | $0.30 |
Moomoo Cheese | Normal | $0.25 |
Total Pack #9 | $1.86 | |
Weedle | Normal | $0.15 |
Gogoat | Normal | $0.15 |
Orbeetle VMAX | Holo | $3.57 |
Wailmer | Normal | $0.15 |
Samurott | ReverseHolo | $0.79 |
Tynamo | Normal | $0.13 |
Clefairy | Normal | $0.15 |
Drilbur | Normal | $0.12 |
Loudred | Normal | $0.16 |
Memory Capsule | Normal | $0.25 |
Total Pack #10 | $5.62 | |
Total | $33.60 |
Summary: TCG Cost And Value
I managed to get a decent price for these boosters. The total cost for these 10 packs came to:
Booster Pack Cost: $42.54
All Cards: $33.60
Profit: -$8.94
Not the greatest pulls this time round and made a pretty decent loss. When you're buying random boosters there is always a chance to get really bad pulls (compared to buying a Booster Box where you are guaranteed a certain number of good cards). I saw a decent deal on these boosters so I thought they would be a good chance to get some more cards for the Vivid Voltage Collection.
Sadly, this time we didn't pull any greats apart from the Alakazam V card. Maybe in a year the cost of opening these packs might be worth it?
The search for the Rainbow Rare Pikachu VMAX continues!
You can see more Vivid Voltage Booster Pack Openings in these blog posts!
LET ME KNOW: Did you enjoy this type of blog post? If you'd like to see more Booster Pack Openings, comment below and we can schedule some more! This is a new type of content so I'm not 100% sure if people enjoy it or not so any feedback is appreciated.