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IdleOn Amarok Boss Guide

March 17, 2025

Amarok is the boss waiting for you at the end of World 1 in IndleOn. This guide will show you all you need to know about this world boss, including the rare drops, boss mechanics and different difficulties you can face.

If you haven't checked out our World 1 Guide yet, do so as it will give you a guide on how to access Amarok.

In order to fight Amarok, you need to have access to Encroaching Forest Villas map and have a Amarok Boss Key.

Amaroks Villa

You can claim 1 key per character per day that has reached the Encroaching Forest Villas and completed the Dog Bone (blue genie) quest (requires getting 3 Dog Bones from the Plank monsters).

There are three difficulties of the Amarok Boss Fight that you can face:

Difficulty HP EXP Keys Required
Normal 20,000 HP 10,000 EXP 1 Key
Chaotic 8,000,000 HP 400,000 EXP 5 Keys
Nightmare 100,000,000 HP 50,000,000 EXP 30 Keys

You can view Amarok's Drop Table in our Idleon Monster Database.

If you're struggling to defeat Amarok, you can equip potions to boost your damage and health:

  • Average Strength Potion can increase your base damage by 150
  • Small Life Potion can increase your HP by 75

Amarok Boss Mechanics

Amarok has several attacking skills you'll need to watch out for, but for the most part this fight is fairly easy!

If you press auto-attack, you'll go as close as possible to Amarok's feet, which will allow you to dodge 80% of his attacks.


Amarok will randomly shoot out three fireballs near where you're standing, dealing low damage. You can dodge them by standing near Amarok's feet or moving around constantly.

Sword Sweep

When Amarok lifts his sword up, he will do a wide sweep in front of him. Again, this attack can be dodged by standing near his feet.

Floor Stomp

The floor stomp attack is one move you cannot dodge by just standing near his feet. Instead, when you see Amarok lift his leg, you need to turn off auto-attack and make a dash to the lowest platform in the center of the map. This will allow you to dodge any spikes that come up from the attack. This is the hardest hitting attack Amarok has, so be careful!

Summoned Stones

When you see Amarok shoot out green or grey little balls, this will mean he has summoned a special rock in the map.

The Green Rock will slowly heal Amarok over time. In the normal fight, you don't need to destroy this as your damage usually outmatches how much Amarok heals. In other modes, you'll need to get up and go destroy it.

The Grey Rock will cause your damage to default to 10 max. This is definitely a rock you'll need to destroy, otherwise the fight will take forever.

Arm Punch

The next move you need to be aware of is his arm punch attack; Amarok will aim at your position for a few seconds before locking the location. At this point, you'll want to move your character out of the way.

This is another attack that cannot be dodged by standing at Amarok's feet.

Amarok Equipment

Amarok Equipment is some of the best gear you can have during the early game (W1-W4) of Idleon.

In order to unlock the equipment you must purchase the recipes from the W1 Merit Shop.

Below you can see the different gear you can craft:

Item Equipment Slot Stats Materials Required
Amarok Helmet
Amarok Helmet
Hat Level Requirement: 38
STR: +4
AGI: +4
WIS: +4
LUK: +4
Defence: 20
Upgrade Slots: 6
  • Amarok Slab x20
  • Forest Fibres x2,500
  • Woodular Circle x5
Amarok Shirt
Amarok Bodyplate
Top Level Requirement: 35
STR: +3
AGI: +3
WIS: +3
Defence: 22
Upgrade Slots: 5
  • Amarok Slab x10
  • Iron Bar x300
  • Corn Kernels x600
Amarok Pants
Amarok Hinds
Bottom Level Requirement: 40
STR: +2
AGI: +2
WIS: +2
Defence: 18
Upgrade Slots: 5
  • Amarok Slab x6
  • Chain Link x300
  • Bullfrog Horn x500
Amarok Shoes
Amarok Paws
Shoes Level Requirement: 35
STR: +1
AGI: +1
WIS: +1
Defence: 10
Misc: +3% Defence
Upgrade Slots: 5
  • Iron Boots (recipe from Collesum) x1
  • Amarok Slab x5
  • Grass Leaf x125
Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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