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Anvil Tab 3 - IdleOn

February 27, 2025

Anvil Tab 3 is the apprentice tier crafting tab in IdleOn and this guide will show you all possible crafting recipes, materials needed and items you can produce.

All Crafting in IdleOn takes place at The Anvil, which you can access from Blunder Hills (World 1) or from the Codex menu for easy access.

To unlock Anvil Tab 3, you need to craft Anvil Tab 3 item from Anvil Tab 2.

Item Materials LevelReq EXP Unlock
Anvil Tab 3
Anvil Tab 3
Platinum Bar
Platinum Bar x2,000
Bloach x2,000
Fruitfly x2,000
High Steaks
High Steaks x1,500
Lvl 35 135,000 EXP Default

Anvil Tab 3 Items

Below you can find all the items you can craft in the Anvil Tab 3, including how to unlock all the recipes and materials needed to craft them.

Level Requirement is based on your character's Smithing Level. You can increase this by crafting more items or producing items from the Produce tab.

Item Materials LevelReq EXP Unlock
Dementia Helmet
Dementia Helmet
Froge x5,000
Lvl 36 100,000 EXP Default
Dementia Body
Dementia Body
Forest Soul
Forest Soul x1,000
Lvl 37 120,000 EXP Default
Dementia Shins
Dementia Shins
Floof Ploof
Floof Ploof x8,000
Lvl 38 150,000 EXP Default
Dementia Boots
Dementia Boots
Lvl 39 200,000 EXP Default
Uninflated Glove
Uninflated Glove
Melty Cube
Melty Cube x70,000
Lvl 40 3 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
The Ice Breaker
The Ice Breaker
Melty Cube
Melty Cube x25,000
Lvl 39 200,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Blizzard Bow
Blizzard Bow
Forest Soul
Forest Soul x7,000
Lvl 39 200,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Spriggly Storm
Spriggly Storm
Tundra Logs
Tundra Logs x10,000
Lvl 39 200,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Dementia Pickaxe
Dementia Pickaxe
Lvl 38 150,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Big Mining Pouch
Big Mining Pouch
Dementia Ore
Dementia Ore x15,000
Lvl 35 65,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Dementia Dicer
Dementia Dicer
Tundra Logs
Tundra Logs x15,000
Lvl 38 150,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Big Choppin Pouch
Big Choppin Pouch
Tundra Logs
Tundra Logs x20,000
Lvl 35 65,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Dementia Rod for Fishing
Dementia Rod for Fishing
Lvl 38 150,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Big Fish Pouch
Big Fish Pouch
Lvl 35 65,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Dementia Net
Dementia Net
Mosquisnow x15,000
Lvl 38 150,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Big Bug Pouch
Big Bug Pouch
Mosquisnow x10,000
Lvl 35 65,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Natural Traps
Natural Traps
Lvl 40 225,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Big Critter Pouch
Big Critter Pouch
Mousey x15,000
Lvl 37 80,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Prickle Skull
Prickle Skull
Rooted Soul
Rooted Soul x7,000
Lvl 40 225,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Big Soul Pouch
Big Soul Pouch
Rooted Soul
Rooted Soul x10,000
Lvl 37 80,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Midnight Stopwatch
Midnight Stopwatch
Lvl 45 1 EXP Apprentice Recipe: Midnight Stopwatch
Dawn Stopwatch
Dawn Stopwatch
Lvl 45 1 EXP Apprentice Recipe: Dawn Stopwatch
Big Food Pouch
Big Food Pouch
Slurpin Herm
Slurpin Herm x1,500
Yeti Ham
Yeti Ham x10,000
Lvl 39 100,000 EXP Default
Big Materials Pouch
Big Materials Pouch
Sticky Stick
Sticky Stick x15,000
Lvl 39 100,000 EXP Default
Void Imperium Helmet
Void Imperium Helmet
Void Bar
Void Bar x1,000
Lvl 43 275,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Void Imperium Platebody
Void Imperium Platebody
Audio Cord
Audio Cord x75,000
Void Bar
Void Bar x500
Lvl 44 300,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Void Imperium Shardshins
Void Imperium Shardshins
Wispy Lumber
Wispy Lumber x75,000
Void Bar
Void Bar x650
Lvl 45 370,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Void Imperium Kicks
Void Imperium Kicks
Flycicle x60,000
Void Bar
Void Bar x725
Lvl 46 500,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Eclectic Ordeal
Eclectic Ordeal
Lvl 45 500,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Lvl 45 450,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Blackhole Bow
Blackhole Bow
Lvl 45 450,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Grey Gatsby
Grey Gatsby
Frigid Soul
Frigid Soul x5,000
Lvl 45 450,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Void Imperium Pik
Void Imperium Pik
Void Bar
Void Bar x400
Lvl 45 400,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Large Mining Pouch
Large Mining Pouch
Void Ore
Void Ore x40,000
Lvl 43 200,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Void Imperium Axe
Void Imperium Axe
Wispy Lumber
Wispy Lumber x50,000
Lvl 45 400,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Large Choppin Pouch
Large Choppin Pouch
Wispy Lumber
Wispy Lumber x30,000
Lvl 43 200,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Void Imperium Rod
Void Imperium Rod
Lvl 45 400,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Large Fish Pouch
Large Fish Pouch
Bloach x40,000
Lvl 43 200,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Void Imperium Net
Void Imperium Net
Flycicle x50,000
Lvl 45 400,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Large Bug Pouch
Large Bug Pouch
Flycicle x30,000
Lvl 43 200,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Steel Traps
Steel Traps
Lvl 46 500,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Large Critter Pouch
Large Critter Pouch
Pingy x30,000
Lvl 44 250,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Manifested Skull
Manifested Skull
Frigid Soul
Frigid Soul x8,000
Lvl 46 500,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Large Soul Pouch
Large Soul Pouch
Rooted Soul
Rooted Soul x30,000
Lvl 44 250,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Large Food Pouch
Large Food Pouch
Lvl 44 250,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Large Materials Pouch
Large Materials Pouch
Audio Cord
Audio Cord x20,000
Lvl 44 250,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Luckier Lad
Luckier Lad
Lvl 1 1 EXP Equinox Dream 17
Anvil Tab 4
Anvil Tab 4
Void Bar
Void Bar x1,000
Frigid Soul
Frigid Soul x2,500
Lvl 50 1,500,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Mark of Member
Mark of Member
Lvl 49 1,000,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Murmillo Helm
Murmillo Helm
Lvl 48 750,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Conquistador Plume
Conquistador Plume
Lvl 48 750,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Adornment of the High Priest
Adornment of the High Priest
Lvl 48 750,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Member Hoodie
Member Hoodie
Lvl 50 1,200,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Damascus Plates
Damascus Plates
Lvl 49 1,000,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Evergreen Wraps
Evergreen Wraps
Lvl 49 1,000,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Elegantine Robes
Elegantine Robes
Lvl 49 1,000,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Critter Numnums
Critter Numnums
Crabbo x100
Lvl 36 10,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Soulble Gum
Soulble Gum
Lvl 36 10,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Shivering Sack
Shivering Sack
Melty Cube
Melty Cube x2,000
Lvl 35 5,000 EXP Unlocks Tab (3) (Tasks)
Honker Hat
Honker Hat
Honker x1,000,000
Lvl 40 500,000 EXP Default
Tundra NPC Completion Token
Tundra NPC Completion Token
Lvl 1 2 EXP Hoggindaz (Quest)
Tundra Skills Completion Token
Tundra Skills Completion Token
Frigid Soul
Frigid Soul x12,500
Lvl 2 5 EXP Hoggindaz (Quest)
Tundra Misc Completion Token
Tundra Misc Completion Token
Lvl 1 2 EXP Hoggindaz (Quest)
Bucket of Slush
Bucket of Slush
Lvl 38 5 EXP Apprentice Recipe: Bucket of Slush
Easy FB Tundra NPC Token
Easy FB Tundra NPC Token
Lvl 1 2 EXP Hoggindaz (Quest)
Med FB Tundra NPC Token
Med FB Tundra NPC Token
Lvl 2 5 EXP Hoggindaz (Quest)
Hard FB Tundra NPC Token
Hard FB Tundra NPC Token
Lvl 1 2 EXP Hoggindaz (Quest)
Chizoars Caustic Scarf
Chizoars Caustic Scarf
Lvl 52 5 EXP Merit Shop (World 3)
Chizoar Helmet
Chizoar Helmet
Blood Bone
Blood Bone x1,000
Lvl 50 2 EXP Merit Shop (World 3)
Chizoar Bodyplate
Chizoar Bodyplate
Cryosnake Skin
Cryosnake Skin x100,000
Lvl 49 5 EXP Merit Shop (World 3)
Chizoar Scaled Leggings
Chizoar Scaled Leggings
Lvl 48 2 EXP Merit Shop (World 3)
Chizoar Walkers
Chizoar Walkers
Lvl 47 5 EXP Merit Shop (World 3)
Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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