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Crafting Guide - The Anvil - IdleOn

February 28, 2025

Crafting is done at The Anvil and is a huge part of IdleOn to help you progress through the various areas of the game. From making end-game equipment, to crafting specific tools for skills, you can begin Crafting by clicking on The Anvil in Blunder Hills World 1

In the beginning, you'll only have a few items available to craft, but as you progress you'll unlock more and more. There are various methods to unlocking crafting recipes, including hunting IdleOn Monsters, completing Tasks and more.

Crafting is influenced by your Smithing Level, which can boost production rates, special craft chance and EXP multipliers. Smithing is also used at The Forge when smelting ores into bars.

As of Patch V2.27, you can now craft items from anywhere using the Codex menu.

The Anvil

The Anvil

The Anvil is available from the get-go and is where you can craft items in IdleOn. Items that you can craft appear in the Anvil Tabs on the right; any items that have a Question Mark (?) symbol need to be unlocked through various methods in IdleOn.

You'll begin with just Anvil Tab 1. The other Anvil Tabs are unlocked through crafting the specific Anvil Tab item.

The other part of The Anvil is the Produce Tab, which allows you to produce material items passively. The types of items you can produce is dependent on your Smithing Level, which is increased by crafting more items.

Below you can find all the items available to craft at the Anvil:

Anvil Produce Materials

Produce Items

By selecting the Produce tab on the Anvil, you can also set each character to passively produce specific materials. These materials are also used for crafting items, upgrading Stamps, Alchemy bubbles and so on.

You'll want to make sure each character is always producing items. Each character has a max capacity to store produced materials; once you hit max, you'll need to deposit the materials into your Inventory or Storage to continue producing items.

Use the Quick Deposit button to quickly put all produced items into your Storage.

The following items can be made in the Produce tab:

Item Level Requirement EXP
1 6
Trusty Nails
Trusty Nails
5 10
Boring Brick
Boring Brick
12 16
Chain Link
Chain Link
17 25
Leather Hide
Leather Hide
25 35
Pinion Spur
Pinion Spur
30 50
Lugi Bracket
Lugi Bracket
35 65
Purple Screw
Purple Screw
43 75
50 90
Tangled Cords
Tangled Cords
60 110
PVC Pipe
PVC Pipe
70 140


Production Points

There are three Production boosts you can upgrade:

  • Bonus EXP
  • Speed/hr
  • Capacity

Each upgrade costs production points, which you can buy at the Anvil. You can either purchase them with Coins, or use materials to buy them.

Crafting Achievements

The following World 1 Achievements can be obtained from crafting. Some achievements can only be claimed by playing on the Steam version.

Icon Achievement Description Rewards Steam Exclusive
Achievement Anvil Expansion Craft the anvil expander, and unlock a new tab of item recipes! 10 Gems YES
Achievement Anothervil Expansion Craft the Anvil III expander. More things to craft, hooray! 30 Gems YES

Crafting Boosts

You can boost your crafting ability through various other means in IdleOn.

Name Boost From Notes
Weapon Craft
Weapon Craft
All crafted weapons give +% more damage. The Upgrade Vault Access from World 1
Production Revolution
Production Revolution
+% faster Anvil Production The Upgrade Vault Access from World 1
Anvil Statue
Anvil Statue
+% faster Anvil Production Statue Man Access from World 1
Anvil Stamp
Anvil Zoomer Stamp
+% faster Anvil Production Stamps Access from World 1
Fire Forge Card
+% Smithing EXP (Passive) Cards Access from World 1
Cinder Forge Card
+% Smithing EXP (Passive) Cards Access from World 1
Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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