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Villager Statue

Idleon Item Database Misc

Villager Statue

Type: Statue

Sell For: Copper 10

It gives a MULTIPLICATIVE bonus of Villager EXP, despite the bonus description saying percent! Wowie Zowie Multerrific!

Villager Statues were introduced in patch V2.31.

They were used to replace Dragon Warrior Statues

All players who had upgraded their Dragon Warrior statues at the Statue Man automatically had their bonuses converted into the Village Statue.

Dragon Warrior Statues then became a brand new item and obtained from a new area in the game (Caverns).

Villager Statue is used in the following areas:

Used to upgrade a Stamp.

Villager Statue

Gives a MULTIPLICATIVE bonus of Villager EXP at the Statue Man.

Villager Statue is dropped by these IdleOn Monsters

1 in 10000

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