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Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga spawns at Birch Enclave

Spawn AmountRespawn TimeWorld
Baba Yaga x186400sBlunder Hills (W1)

Baba Yaga is a mini-boss and spawns at the top of the hour.

You can find Baba Yaga by going to Birch Enclave. If you're in the map at the start of the hour (00:00), Baba Yaga will then spawn within the next five minutes.

Baba Yaga - Idleon Drop Table

Below you can find all the drops that Baba Yaga drops.

ImageItemDrop RateQuantity
Flowies 1 in 11
Coins 1 in 1800
Cloudsound Follower 1 in 23
Cloudsound Follower 1 in 24
Cloudsound Follower 1 in 26
Cheezy Pizza 1 in 215
Time Thingy 1 in 31
Hot Dog 1 in 315
Nomwich 1 in 410
Average Mana Potion 1 in 410
Average Strength Potion 1 in 510
Power Statue 1 in 81
Health Statue 1 in 81
Small Speed Potion 1 in 105
Small Mana Potion 1 in 105
Beginner Recipe: Serrated Rex Ring 1 in 171
Bottled Town Teleport 1 in 201
Tool Upgrade Stone II 1 in 331
Baba Yaga Card 1 in 331
Give Up On Life Pants 1 in 501
Bottled Town Teleport 1 in 501
White Headband 1 in 1001
Tattered Cloth 1 in 1001
Beginner Recipe: Copper Band 1 in 1251
Baba Yaga Baby Eggs 1 in 1671
Mystery Upgrade Stone I 1 in 2352
Mystery Upgrade Stone I 1 in 2612
Mystery Upgrade Stone I 1 in 2942
Golden Nomwich 1 in 4001
Golden Nomwich 1 in 4441
Golden Nomwich 1 in 5001
Anvil Zoomer Stamp 1 in 8331
Bronze STR Obol 1 in 8931
Bronze AGI Obol 1 in 8931
Bronze WIS Obol 1 in 8931
Special Talent Book: Roll Da Dice 1 in 2,0001
Special Talent Book: Attacks On Simmer 1 in 2,0001
Talent Point Reset Fragment 1 in 2,0001
Special Talent Book: Roll Da Dice 1 in 2,2221
Special Talent Book: Attacks On Simmer 1 in 2,2221
Talent Point Reset Fragment 1 in 2,2221
Special Talent Book: Roll Da Dice 1 in 2,5001
Special Talent Book: Attacks On Simmer 1 in 2,5001
Talent Point Reset Fragment 1 in 2,5001
Silver Pen 1 in 2,8571
Silver Pen 1 in 3,1751
Silver Pen 1 in 3,5711
Silver Obol of Little Damage 1 in 6,3411
Silver Obol of Pocket Change 1 in 6,5521
Silver Obol of Little Damage 1 in 7,0451
Silver Obol of Pocket Change 1 in 7,2801
Silver Obol of Little Damage 1 in 7,9261
Silver Obol of Pocket Change 1 in 8,1901
Gold LUK Obol 1 in 13,1041
Gold LUK Obol 1 in 14,5601
Gold LUK Obol 1 in 16,3801
Beginner Recipe: Steel Band 1 in 20,0001
Lucky Lad 1 in 666,6671
Lucky Lad 1 in 740,7411
Lucky Lad 1 in 833,3331
