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Bored Bean

Bored Bean spawns at Valley Of The Beans

Spawn AmountRespawn TimeWorld
Bored Bean x2250sBlunder Hills (W1)

Bored To Death

The Upgrade Vault offers a bonus called Bored to Death.

At max level, this upgrade gives +75% Coins from Monsters per POW 10 Bored Bean Kills.

Bored Bean - Idleon Drop Table

Below you can find all the drops that Bored Bean drops.

ImageItemDrop RateQuantity
Coins 1 in 210
Bean Slices 1 in 51
Special Talent Book: Cash Money 1 in 3031
Cloudsound Follower 1 in 4443
Nomwich 1 in 88910
Small Mana Potion 1 in 2,2225
Bored Bean Card 1 in 10,3091
Give Up On Life Pants 1 in 11,1111
Armor Upgrade Stone II 1 in 20,0001
White Headband 1 in 22,2221
Beginner Recipe: Copper Band 1 in 27,7781
Bored Beanie 1 in 28,5711
Mystery Upgrade Stone I 1 in 65,3592
Golden Nomwich 1 in 111,1111
Anvil Zoomer Stamp 1 in 185,1851
Bronze STR Obol 1 in 198,5461
Special Talent Book: Roll Da Dice 1 in 555,5561
Special Talent Book: Attacks On Simmer 1 in 555,5561
Talent Point Reset Fragment 1 in 555,5561
Silver Pen 1 in 793,6511
Silver Obol of Little Damage 1 in 1,761,2921
Silver Obol of Pocket Change 1 in 1,820,0021
Gold LUK Obol 1 in 3,640,0041
Lucky Lad 1 in 185,185,1851
