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Carrotman spawns at Vegetable Patch

Spawn AmountRespawn TimeWorld
Carrotman x1650sBlunder Hills (W1)

Slice n Dice

The Upgrade Vault offers a bonus called Slice N Dice.

At max level, this upgrade gives +300 Base Damage per POW 10 Carrotman Kills.

Carrotman - Idleon Drop Table

Below you can find all the drops that Carrotman drops.

ImageItemDrop RateQuantity
Coins 1 in 240
Carrot Cube 1 in 61
Cheezy Pizza 1 in 1674
Cloudsound Follower 1 in 3334
Hot Dog 1 in 47615
Time Thingy 1 in 5561
Average Strength Potion 1 in 83310
Power Statue 1 in 1,3891
Small Speed Potion 1 in 1,6675
Bottled Town Teleport 1 in 8,3331
Carrotman Card 1 in 11,1111
Tattered Cloth 1 in 16,6671
Carrot Launcher 1 in 25,0001
Mystery Upgrade Stone I 1 in 43,5732
Golden Nomwich 1 in 74,0741
Bronze AGI Obol 1 in 148,9091
Special Talent Book: Roll Da Dice 1 in 370,3701
Special Talent Book: Attacks On Simmer 1 in 370,3701
Talent Point Reset Fragment 1 in 370,3701
Silver Pen 1 in 529,1011
Silver Obol of Little Damage 1 in 1,174,1951
Silver Obol of Pocket Change 1 in 1,213,3351
Gold LUK Obol 1 in 2,426,6691
Lucky Lad 1 in 123,456,7901
