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Chaotic Chizoar

Chaotic Chizoar - Idleon Drop Table

Below you can find all the drops that Chaotic Chizoar drops.

ImageItemDrop RateQuantity
Coins1 in 14000
Mountain Bread1 in 215
Cloudsound Follower1 in 29
Cloudsound Follower1 in 210
Chizoar Spike1 in 33
Instablab Follower1 in 35
Instablab Follower1 in 35
Chizoar Stalagmite1 in 51
Corporatube Sub1 in 53
Corporatube Sub1 in 53
Average EXP Potion1 in 1025
EhExPee Statue1 in 251
Feasty Statue1 in 331
Distilled Water1 in 371
Distilled Water1 in 401
Mystery Upgrade Stone II1 in 2383
Mystery Upgrade Stone II1 in 2383
Chaotic Chizoar Card1 in 2501
Chizoars Blankie1 in 3131
Golden Ham1 in 3331
Golden Ham1 in 3331
Golden Cheese1 in 4171
Golden Cheese1 in 4171
Frozen Obol of Chizoar's Rage1 in 5001
Apprentice Recipe: Bucket of Slush1 in 5001
Talent Point Reset Fragment1 in 1,1111
Talent Point Reset Fragment1 in 1,1111
Silver Pen1 in 1,8521
Silver Pen1 in 1,8521
Multikill Stamp1 in 3,3331
Violence Stamp1 in 6,6671
Flowin Stamp1 in 10,0001
Saw Stamp1 in 11,1111
Saw Stamp1 in 11,1111
Blover Stamp1 in 12,5001
Lucky Lad1 in 555,5561
Lucky Lad1 in 555,5561
