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Chaotic Chizoar

Chaotic Chizoar - Idleon Drop Table

Below you can find all the drops that Chaotic Chizoar drops.

ImageItemDrop RateQuantity
Coins 1 in 14000
Cloudsound Follower 1 in 29
Cloudsound Follower 1 in 210
Mountain Bread 1 in 215
Chizoar Spike 1 in 33
Instablab Follower 1 in 35
Instablab Follower 1 in 35
Chizoar Stalagmite 1 in 51
Corporatube Sub 1 in 53
Corporatube Sub 1 in 53
Average EXP Potion 1 in 1025
EhExPee Statue 1 in 251
Feasty Statue 1 in 331
Distilled Water 1 in 371
Distilled Water 1 in 401
Mystery Upgrade Stone II 1 in 2383
Mystery Upgrade Stone II 1 in 2383
Chaotic Chizoar Card 1 in 2501
Chizoars Blankie 1 in 3131
Golden Ham 1 in 3331
Golden Ham 1 in 3331
Golden Cheese 1 in 4171
Golden Cheese 1 in 4171
Apprentice Recipe: Bucket of Slush 1 in 5001
Frozen Obol of Chizoar's Rage 1 in 5001
Talent Point Reset Fragment 1 in 1,1111
Talent Point Reset Fragment 1 in 1,1111
Silver Pen 1 in 1,8521
Silver Pen 1 in 1,8521
Multikill Stamp 1 in 3,3331
Violence Stamp 1 in 6,6671
Flowin Stamp 1 in 10,0001
Saw Stamp 1 in 11,1111
Saw Stamp 1 in 11,1111
Blover Stamp 1 in 12,5001
Lucky Lad 1 in 555,5561
Lucky Lad 1 in 555,5561
