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Efaunt - Idleon Drop Table

Below you can find all the drops that Efaunt drops.

ImageItemDrop RateQuantity
Coins1 in 14000
Monster Rating1 in 11
Monster Rating1 in 21
Cloudsound Follower1 in 27
Cloudsound Follower1 in 28
Cloudsound Follower1 in 28
Kebab Sticks1 in 215
Meat Pie1 in 215
Average Speed Potion1 in 325
Decent Life Potion1 in 325
Ripped Tunic1 in 31
Instablab Follower1 in 33
Instablab Follower1 in 33
Instablab Follower1 in 33
Midnight Cookie1 in 141
Anvil Statue1 in 141
Cauldron Statue1 in 141
Novice Recipe: Star Talent Reset Potion1 in 251
Exp Book Statue1 in 251
Efaunt Card1 in 401
Bullseye Stamp1 in 1001
Armor Upgrade Stone B1 in 2001
Mystery Upgrade Stone I1 in 2383
Mystery Upgrade Stone I1 in 2383
Mystery Upgrade Stone I1 in 2383
Golden Meat Pie1 in 3331
Golden Meat Pie1 in 3331
Midnight Cookie1 in 3331
Golden Meat Pie1 in 3331
Inventory Bag G1 in 5561
Storage Chest 141 in 8331
Skeletal Obol of Efaunt's Gaze1 in 1,0001
Talent Point Reset Fragment1 in 1,1111
Talent Point Reset Fragment1 in 1,1111
Talent Point Reset Fragment1 in 1,1111
Silver AGI Obol1 in 1,4041
Silver WIS Obol1 in 1,4041
Silver LUK Obol1 in 1,4041
Royal Turban1 in 1,4991
Drippy Drop Stamp1 in 1,6671
Silver Pen1 in 1,8521
Silver Pen1 in 1,8521
Silver Pen1 in 1,8521
Droplots Stamp1 in 2,5001
Silver Obol of Double Sixes1 in 6,5521
Silver Obol of Double Sixes1 in 6,5521
Silver Obol of Double Sixes1 in 6,5521
Buzz Buzz Stamp1 in 6,6671
Lucky Lad1 in 555,5561
Lucky Lad1 in 555,5561
Lucky Lad1 in 555,5561
