Radiant Amarok - Idleon Drop Table
Below you can find all the drops that Radiant Amarok drops.
Image | Item | Drop Rate | Quantity |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/COIN.png) | Coins | 1 in 1 | 500 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/Quest17.png) | Amarok Slab | 1 in 2 | 6 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/Quest29.png) | Chaotic Amarok Slab | 1 in 2 | 2 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/Quest24.png) | Cloudsound Follower | 1 in 2 | 6 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/FoodHealth2.png) | Cheezy Pizza | 1 in 2 | 15 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/StoneZ1.png) | Mystery Upgrade Stone I | 1 in 4 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/FoodPotMana2.png) | Average Mana Potion | 1 in 4 | 10 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/EquipmentStatues5.png) | Health Statue | 1 in 8 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/Meatloaf.png) | Magic Meatloaf | 1 in 20 | 10 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/rtt0.png) | Bottled Town Teleport | 1 in 20 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/StoneT2.png) | Tool Upgrade Stone II | 1 in 33 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/CardsZ14.png) | Radiant Amarok Card | 1 in 50 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/EquipmentHats39.png) | Grandma Disguise | 1 in 83 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/ObolAmarokA.png) | Granite Obol of Amarok's Stare | 1 in 118 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/StoneZ1.png) | Mystery Upgrade Stone I | 1 in 235 | 2 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/FoodG4.png) | Golden Nomwich | 1 in 400 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/ObolBronze2.png) | Bronze WIS Obol | 1 in 893 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/EquipmentCape3.png) | Radiant Amarok Backstabber | 1 in 1,000 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/TalentBook1.png) | Roll Da Dice | 1 in 2,000 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/ResetFrag.png) | Talent Point Reset Fragment | 1 in 2,000 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/TalentBook1.png) | Attacks On Simmer | 1 in 2,000 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/SilverPen.png) | Silver Pen | 1 in 2,857 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/ObolSilverDamage.png) | Silver Obol of Little Damage | 1 in 6,341 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/ObolSilverMoney.png) | Silver Obol of Pocket Change | 1 in 6,552 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/ObolGold3.png) | Gold LUK Obol | 1 in 13,104 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/SmithingRecipes1.png) | Beginner Recipe: Steel Band | 1 in 20,000 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/Trophy2.png) | Lucky Lad | 1 in 666,667 | 1 |