Tyson - Idleon Drop Table
Below you can find all the drops that Tyson drops.
Image | Item | Drop Rate | Quantity |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/COIN.png) | Coins | 1 in 3 | 310 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/DesertC1.png) | High Steaks | 1 in 6 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/Quest24.png) | Cloudsound Follower | 1 in 625 | 8 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/FoodPotRe3.png) | Decent Life Potion | 1 in 781 | 25 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/Quest23.png) | Instablab Follower | 1 in 1,042 | 3 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/EquipmentStatues13.png) | Cauldron Statue | 1 in 4,464 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/CardsB8.png) | Tyson Card | 1 in 10,000 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/StampA17.png) | Bullseye Stamp | 1 in 31,250 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/StoneZ1.png) | Mystery Upgrade Stone I | 1 in 74,405 | 3 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/MidnightCookie.png) | Midnight Cookie | 1 in 104,167 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/FoodG3.png) | Golden Meat Pie | 1 in 104,167 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/ResetFrag.png) | Talent Point Reset Fragment | 1 in 347,222 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/ObolSilver3.png) | Silver LUK Obol | 1 in 438,750 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/SilverPen.png) | Silver Pen | 1 in 578,704 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/ObolSilverLuck.png) | Silver Obol of Double Sixes | 1 in 2,047,502 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/StampB24.png) | Buzz Buzz Stamp | 1 in 2,083,333 | 1 |
![](https://www.digitaltq.com/images/games/idleon_items/Trophy2.png) | Lucky Lad | 1 in 173,611,111 | 1 |