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IdleOn Patch V2.30 - Pet Trading!

February 25, 2025

Pets just got a whole lot easier to obtain with the new Pet Trading option added in IdleOn Patch V2.30. We also got some other quality-of-life updates with equipment upgrades, The Slab and bug fixes.

Pet Companions are one of the most contentious micro-transaction aspects of IdleOn, allowing you to obtain Pets through an RNG system using Pet Crystals. For free to play players, you get 1 free pet roll per week.


The pet's themselves offer some of the best bonuses in the entire game; like being able to access the Storage Chest from anywhere and having all World 5 Divinities bonuses be applied to all characters.

There is now Pet Trading system that allows you to obtain pet's slightly more easier.

Pet Trading will allow you to trade one tradeable pet for another player's tradeable pet. However, the great part about Pet Trading is that both traders get to keep their original pet too!

All pets become untradeable once they have been traded, so you can only trade a pet once.

Any pet's you get from the free pet roll are already untradeable, so you won't be able to use them in the Pet Trading system.

Here is the full explanation:

Trades are always between YOUR FOLLOWER PET, and THEIR FOLLOWER PET

How to choose a follower: Go to Dog in World 1. Now, click Manage in the top-left. Now, click Select Pet Follower in top-right. Select follower!

When you trade a pet with someone, you KEEP YOUR PET (in untradeable form), while of course also receiving their pet in untradeable form

You can trade your pet to someone for nothing in return. They will get the pet (untradeable), and you KEEP YOUR PET (untradeable), meaning you can essentially Gift your pets to friends!

The elephant in the room asks:  "Why not just do a normal trading system.... You get their pet (tradeable), and they get yours (tradeable)?"

This "pet duplication" actually LETS you use trading! What normally happens (for me) in trading is that I get a super powerful item, keep it forever, never end up trading it, and then eventually quit -- in other words, it's as if trading didn't even exist! This way, you can actually engage in trading your most powerful pets, since you end up keeping a copy!

Because that would open the door for scams, fraud, phishing, social engineering, hacked accounts, and every black-market force that plagues other MMOs. Players would be under constant duress both in-game and in discord, getting fake links from hackers trying to hijack your account so they can sell your pets. Having pets become untradeable removes the incentive and value for bad actors, while giving that EXTRA value to the real players who actually play idleon!

More pets for all -- I know some people were hoping to become a "merchant" (constantly trading pets around in the hopes of 'trading up' to the top tier pets, like that guy who trade a paperclip into a house over years), but most people just want more pets, period. This system doubles the amount of pets in game. For every 1 doot pull, thats TWO doots that enter the playerbase!

Allows for generosity -- In a normal trading system, you would NEVER give your best items to your friends. Ever. Only if you got duplicates. But because this system lets you trade a pet for no pet in return, you can essentially GIFT your best pets to your best friends, since you keep yours!

Now, as for future pets, to me its very simple:

Pet accumulation is fun.
Getting bonuses is fun.
Choosing which rotations and having new pets to use your freebie on each week is fun.

Buuuut... there are a few things that are not fun: huge requirements to hit the pity, and bonuses that feel too integral to progression.

I stand by the fact that no current pets are required for progression in the same way that buying a DLC is literally required for progression in a game with DLC, but I would have liked doot, ram, and sheepie to be less integral.

As such, future pets will all be number-bonuses.

+% Library checkout speed, +X% build rate, +X% class EXP, +X% Ninja Stealth, you get the idea.
No "[insert feature] now operates in a different/better way", like with bubbles / storage / divinities

IdleOn was, is, and always will be at its best when the juicy Game-Changing bonuses are tied to content, like you find in Alchemy, Construction, Lab, Sailing, Gaming, Jade Emporium, Summoning, and future world 7 skills. I think these changes will be perfect in making pets the system it was always meant to be.

So it looks like we will be getting more pets to the Pet Companion system in future updates!

Other Updates

Warrior HelmConsquistatdor PlumeHigh Priest

Some other note-worthy updates from Patch V2.30 are the upgraded Level 100 Helmets: The Murmillo, Conquistador, and High Priest Hats

They now give +10% All Stat bonus when equipped!

As mentioned in Patch V2.28, The Slab now also registers any item in your Inventory towards the count (previously you had to manually pick up items to register them!).

Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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Aleph - Editor In Chief

Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.

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