After being teased for a few weeks, brand new Pet Companions have been added to IdleOn called the Fallen Spirits set. Patch V231 also includes some brand new caverns and mechanics for players who have reached World 5.
The Fallen Spirits set introduces 12 new Pet Companions to the game, all with brand new bonuses that are applied to your entire account! You can still obtain the old pets too, which has now been labelled as the Legacy Pet System.
The best of the bunch is the Ancient Golem, which gives a massive 10x Total Damage boost. The Ancient Golem has a pull-rate of justĀ 0.20% for Tier 1 Treats!
If you want to sell all the new pets added to IdleOn, check out our Pet Companions Guide.
Luckily, we now have Pet Trading, so you might be able to trade your pets with someone else!
If you're in the IdleOn Discord, there is currently a competition going on to win a special rare pet called the Supreme Glunko. It doesn't give any bonuses, and is purely cosmetic.
Patch V2.31 Notes
Below you can find the full V2.31 Patch Notes:
5 new caverns -- collect rupies at The Jar, fight Golems at The Temple, chop down the Evertree, and stare wistfully at the other two!
New villager - Bolaia the Cavern Scholar! Learn SECRET bonuses from each cavern and level them up!
28 new schematics for Kaipu the Engineer Villager
4 new bonuses for Cosmo the Conjuror Villager
6 new bonuses for Minau the Measurement Villager
2 new bonuses to get from ringing the bell
1 new statue - it's actually found at Cavern 9. The Dragon Warrior statue is now found somewhere in the new caverns...
2 new stamps - both found within the new caverns
New companions set added: Fallen Spirits!
You can now select which Tier of Treat you want when buying companions, and each one comes with its own guarantee! The Guarantee for the Mythic pet is only 30, not 200!
Miss the old companions? You can find them through the "LEGACY" button in the top left of the Buy Companion window
You can hold down on Opal Investing to give them to your villagers FAST!
You can SKIP bravery fights where you 1-hit kill but only after studying the bravery cavern with Bolaia!
Added the "Score needed for Next Opal" display to the Dawg Den while fighting!
Flaggy progress toward unlocking a new cog slot is always shown, so long as a flag is placed there.
You can now login on Mobile if you chose "Sign-in With Steam" when creating your account on PC
Everyone with a LV 13+ explorer villager has been set to LV 12 - I did this because Villager is now harder to level up past 13
ALL EXP YOU HAD IN EXPLORER VILLAGER BEYOND LV 12 WILL BE REFUNDED INTO YOUR OTHER VILLAGERS! You will NOT lose any exp. It would be as if you leveled up other villagers instead of Explorer!
Renewing the Bell (resetting it) now costs 25 EXP, instead of 250 EXP. EXP rate remains at 10/hr
Gloomie mushrooms will be dropping the new VILLAGER statue instead of Dragon Warrior, and a new cavern in the next update will be dropping Dragon Warrior statue
Your Dragon Warrior statue levels will turn into villager statue levels.
Reclaiming "Begginer Best Class" Star Talent from Rocklyte now works, before it was giving "Quest Kapow!"
Standardized the height display of coins -- void and beyond were shown lower than the base coins, overlapping with the number under them making them harder to see.
One of the bigger changes in Patch V2.31 is the Dragon Warrior Statue being converted into Villager Statues. It seems the Dragon Statue will now come from a new cavern.
Dragon Warrior Statues increase the bonuses of all other statues you have, so this change is quite the nerf to those who had invested into Dragon Statues.
Steam Users will be happy with that they can login via Mobile using their Steam Accounts!
Gem Shop Items
The Gem Shop has also been updated with a bunch of Lanterns (used in the Caverns) for only 1 Gem each.
Head to the Limited Time section and you can obtain 2-Hour Lanterns x12 for just 1 Gem each.