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Stamps Guide - IdleOn

February 14, 2025

Stamps are items that can be upgraded in IdleOn to give various stat increases and bonuses. You can unlock stamps starting in World 1 by speaking to Mr. Pigibank.

To get started with Stamps, you need to reach Level 14 and speak to Mr. Pigibank in the World 1 Town Map. Here you can deposit any Stamp items you find and then upgrade them.

Upgrading Stamps starts out slow, but can offer some of the biggest boosts to your characters in IdleOn and is definitely worth investing significant resources to upgrade them.

How Do Stamps Work


Stamps can come from many different sources in IdleOn, including dropping from Monsters, purchasable from Vendors and Quest Rewards.

Once you have a Stamp in your Inventory, take it to Mr. Pigibank who will automatically collect it and unlock the Level 1 bonus for that Stamp. Only one Stamp item is needed to unlock it, so you can throw away any multiple copies you may find.

Each Stamp can then be upgraded using coins. At various Level brackets, you'll need to give materials/items to upgrade a Stamp further.

You can also unlock Bribes from Mr. Pigibank (see below), which give additional bonuses to every character on your account. Each Bribe costs a certain amount of coins to unlock.

All Stamps

Stamps are broken down into three categories: Combat, Skills and Misc.

They have no max level, but are soft-capped by how many items you can hold in your Inventory when trying to upgrade them.

Combat Stamps

Image Stamp Name Bonus Material Obtained
StampA1.png Sword Stamp Base Damage Grasslands1.png
Spore Cap
StampA2.png Heart Stamp Base HP OakTree.png
Oak Logs
StampA3.png Mana Stamp Base MP Copper.png
Copper Ore
Blunder Hills Vendor
StampA4.png Tomahawk Stamp % Total Damage CopperBar.png
Copper Bar
Hamish (NPC, Quest)
StampA5.png Target Stamp Base Accuracy CraftMat1.png
Blunder Hills Vendor
StampA6.png Shield Stamp Base Defence Iron.png
Iron Ore
Blunder Hills Vendor
StampA7.png Longsword Stamp Base Damage Grasslands3.png
Bean Slices
Baby Boa
StampA8.png Kapow Stamp % Critical Damage CraftMat5.png
Trusty Nails
StampA9.png Fist Stamp STR BirchTree.png
Bleach Logs
Mutton (NPC, Quest)
StampA10.png Battleaxe Stamp % Total Damage Leaf1.png
Grass Leaf
StampA11.png Agile Stamp AGI EquipmentToolsHatchet3.png
Copper Chopper
Sentient Cereal, Flies, Fruitflies, Butterflies
StampA12.png Vitality Stamp Base HP Jungle2.png
Snake Skin
Encroaching Forest Villas Vendor
StampA13.png Book Stamp WIS IronBar.png
Iron Bar
Godshard, Plat, Lustre, Copper, Crystal Carrot, Marble, Dementia, Iron, Starfire, Fractalfly, Evertree, Void, Motherlode, Trench Fish, Dreadlo
StampA14.png Manamoar Stamp Base MP Forest1.png
Glublin Ear
Mutton (NPC, Quest)
StampA15.png Clover Stamp LUK EquipmentShirts12.png
Iron Platebody
(Yum-Yum Desert) Faraway Piers Vendor
StampA16.png Scimitar Stamp Base Damage Fish1.png
Mutton (NPC, Quest)
StampA17.png Bullseye Stamp Base Accuracy Bug3.png
Sentient Cereal
Moonmoon, Chaotic Efaunt, Efaunt, Sand Giant, Gilded Efaunt, Tyson, Snelbie
StampA18.png Feather Stamp % Movement Speed DesertB1.png
Snouts (NPC, Quest)
StampA19.png Polearm Stamp % Total Damage TestObj7.png
Steel Axe
Papua Piggea (NPC, Quest)
StampA20.png Violence Stamp STR Dementia.png
Dementia Ore
Thermister, Penguin, Snowman, Mamooth, Bloque, Chaotic Chizoar, Chizoar
StampA21.png Buckler Stamp Base Defence PlatBar.png
Platinum Bar
Snouts (NPC, Quest)
StampA22.png Hermes Stamp AGI Soul3.png
Rooted Soul
Crystalswine (NPC, Quest)
StampA23.png Sukka Foo % Boss Damage Quest17.png
Amarok Slab
Level-Up Gifts
StampA24.png Arcane Stamp WIS GoldBar.png
Gold Bar
Wellington (NPC, Quest)
StampA25.png Avast Yar Stamp Base Damage Critter7.png
Crystalswine (NPC, Quest)
StampA26.png Steve Sword % Total Damage Bug4.png
Mutton (NPC, Quest)
StampA27.png Blover Stamp LUK Fish3.png
Chaotic Chizoar, Quenchie, Neyeptune, Bop Box, Dedotated Ram, Bloodbone, Chizoar, Blighted Chizoar, Cryosnake
StampA28.png Stat Graph Stamp All Stats StoneZ1.png
Mystery Upgrade Stone I
XxX_Cattleprod_XxX (NPC, Quest)
StampA29.png Gilded Axe Stamp Base Damage CraftMat12.png
Flying Worm
StampA30.png Diamond Axe Stamp % Total Damage CraftMat14.png
PVC Pipe
Capital P (NPC, Quest)
StampA31.png Tripleshot Stamp Base Accuracy CraftMat13.png
Tangled Cords
Demon Genie, Purp Mushroom, Chaotic Troll, Donut, Blitzkrieg Troll, TV, Massive Troll
StampA32.png Blackheart Stamp Base HP CraftMat11.png
Purple Screw
Blitzkrieg Troll, Octodar, Clammie, Massive Troll, Stilted Seeker, Chaotic Troll, Flombeige
StampA33.png Maxo Slappo Stamp STR Tree9.png
Maple Logs
Stiltmole, Sacrilegious Kattlekruk, Maccie, Cheese Nub, Kattlekruk, Mister Brightside, Chaotic Kattlekruk, Suggma
StampA34.png Sashe Sidestamp AGI Bug9.png
Pirate Porkchop (NPC, Quest)
StampA35.png Intellectostampo WIS Soul6.png
Oozie Soul
Citringe, Kattlekruk, Biggole Mole, Purgatory Stalker, Chaotic Kattlekruk, Fire Spirit, Molti, Lampar
StampA36.png Conjocharmo Stamp LUK LavaA1.png
Suggma Ashes
Pirate Porkchop
StampA37.png Dementia Sword Stamp % Total Damage Dreadlo.png
Dreadlo Ore
Tremor Wurm
StampA38.png Golden Sixes Stamp % Drop Rate Fish8.png
Trash Island
StampA39.png Stat Wallstreet Stamp All Stats StoneZ2.png
Mystery Upgrade Stone II
Trash Island
StampA40.png Void Sword Stamp Base Damage SpiA2.png
Rice Cake
Hoov (NPC, Quest)
StampA41.png Void Axe Stamp % Total Damage Tree12.png
Bamboo Logs
Sussy Gene (NPC, Quest)
StampA42.png Captalist Stats Stamp % All Stats Bug13.png
Ceramic Spirit, Skydoggie Spirit

Skills Stamps

Image Stamp Name Bonus Material Obtained
StampB1.png Pickaxe Stamp Base Mining Efficiency OakTree.png
Oak Logs
StampB2.png Hatchet Stamp Base Choppin' Efficiency CraftMat1.png
StampB3.png Anvil Zoomer Stamp % Anvil Production Speed Copper.png
Copper Ore
Chaotic Amarok, Bored Bean, Amarok, Frog, Red Mushroom, Baba Yaga, Green Mushroom
StampB4.png Lil' Mining Baggy Stamp % Carrying Capacity for Mining Items JungleTree.png
Jungle Logs
XxX_Cattleprod_XxX (NPC, Quest)
StampB5.png Twin Ores Stamp % Multi-Ore Chance EquipmentHats3.png
Thief Hood
StampB6.png Choppin' Bag Stamp % Carrying Capacity for Choppin' Items Jungle3.png
Carrot Cube
Hamish (NPC, Quest)
StampB7.png Duplogs Stamp % Multi-Log Chance EquipmentHats20.png
Militia Helm
Frost Flake
StampB8.png Matty Bag Stamp % Carrying Capacity for Material Items MaxCapBagM2.png
Cramped Material Pouch
(Yum-Yum Desert) Faraway Piers Vendor
StampB9.png Smart Dirt Stamp % Mining EXP Forest2.png
Forest Tree, Oak Tree, Stump Tree, Jungle Tree, Toilet Tree, Crystal Carrot, Birch Tree
StampB10.png Cool Diggy Tool Stamp Base Mining Efficiency EquipmentToolsHatchet1.png
Iron Hatchet
StampB11.png High IQ Lumber Stamp % Choppin' EXP Forest3.png
Bullfrog Horn
Gold, Dreadlo, Plat, Godshard, Lustre, Copper, Crystal Carrot, Marble, Dementia, Starfire, Iron, Trench Fish, Fractalfly, Evertree, Motherlode, Void,
StampB12.png Swag Swingy Tool Stamp Base Choppin' Efficiency EquipmentTools2.png
Copper Pickaxe
StampB13.png Alch Go Brrr Stamp % Alchemy Speed ForestTree.png
Forest Fibres
Palm Tree, Crystal Crabal
StampB14.png Brainstew Stamps % Alchemy EXP Gold.png
Gold Ore
Wellington (NPC, Quest)
StampB15.png Drippy Drop Stamp % Liquid Regen Speed DesertA1.png
Pocket Sand
Mimic, Sandy Pot, Biggie Hours, Crabcake, Efaunt
StampB16.png Droplots Stamp Cap Increase for all Liquids Fish4.png
Sand Castle, Mashed Potato, Mafioso, Chaotic Efaunt, Efaunt, Pincermin
StampB17.png Fishing Rod Stamp Fishing Efficiency Bug1.png
Fishpaste97 (NPC, Quest)
StampB18.png Fishhead Stamp % Fishing EXP DesertA2.png
Megalodon Tooth
XxX_Cattleprod_XxX (NPC, Quest)
StampB19.png Catch Net Stamp Base Catching Efficiency Fish1.png
XxX_Cattleprod_XxX (NPC, Quest)
StampB20.png Fly Intel Stamp % Catching EXP DesertA3.png
Crabby Cakey
Wellington (NPC, Quest)
StampB21.png Bag o Heads Stamp % Carrying Capacity for Fishing Items Bug2.png
Fruitflies, Flies, Butterflies, Sentient Cereal
StampB22.png Holy Mackerel Stamp % Multi-Fish Chance Plat.png
Platinum Ore
Wellington (NPC, Quest)
StampB23.png Bugsack Stamp % Carrying Capacity for Catching Items Fish2.png
Hermit Can
Equinox Fish, Shellfish, Equinox Fish, Manta Ray, Small Fish, Bloach, Goldfish, Caulifish, Icefish, Large Fish, Shark, Jellyfish, Crystal Crabal, Trench Fish, Jumbo Shrimp, Kraken, Medium Fish, Skelefish, Hermit Can
StampB24.png Buzz Buzz Stamp % Multi-Bug Chance ToiletTree.png
Potty Rolls
Gilded Efaunt, Snelbie, Tyson, Moonmoon, Chaotic Efaunt, Efaunt, Sand Giant
StampB25.png Hidey Box Stamp Base Trapping Efficiency Critter2.png
Saharan Foal, Wispy Tree, Crystal Cattle
StampB26.png Purp Froge Stamp % Shiny Catch Rate (multi) Critter3.png
Snouts (NPC, Quest)
StampB27.png Spikemouth Stamp % Trapping EXP Critter4.png
Crystal Cattle, Flycicle, Mosquisnow
StampB28.png Shiny Crab Stamp % Shiny Catch Rate (multi) Critter5.png
StampB29.png Gear Stamp % Building Speed SnowB1.png
Sticky Stick
StampB30.png Stample Stamp % 3D Printer Sampling Size SnowA1.png
Floof Ploof
Chizoar, Sheepie, Sir Stache, Frost Flake, Xylobone
StampB31.png Saw Stamp % Construction EXP DementiaBar.png
Dementia Bar
Bloque, Dedotated Ram, Sir Stache, Mamooth, Frost Flake, Bloodbone, Chaotic Chizoar, Chizoar, Xylobone, Chizoar, Blighted Chizoar, Cryosnake, Chaotic Chizoar, Quenchie, Chizoar, Thermister, Neyeptune, Bop Box, Sheepie, Penguin, Snowman
StampB32.png Amplestample Stamp % 3D Printer Sampling Size Bug5.png
Trash Island
StampB33.png SpoOoky Stamp Base Worship Efficiency Soul1.png
Forest Soul
StampB34.png Flowin Stamp % Charge Rate per hour (multi) Refinery1.png
Redox Salts
Blighted Chizoar, Cryosnake, Quenchie, Chaotic Chizoar, Neyeptune, Bop Box, Dedotated Ram, Bloodbone, Chizoar
StampB35.png Prayday Stamp % Max Charge SnowB4.png
Cracked Glass
StampB36.png Banked Pts Stamp Starting Points in Tower Defense Soul2.png
Dune Soul
Sir Stache, Frost Flake, Xylobone, Chizoar, Sheepie
StampB37.png Cooked Meal Stamp % Meal Cooking Speed Fish5.png
Oinkin (NPC, Quest)
StampB38.png Spice Stamp % New Recipe Cooking Speed GalaxyA1.png
Purple Mush Cap
StampB39.png Ladle Stamp Cooking Efficiency Fish6.png
Sand Shark
Oinkin (NPC, Quest)
StampB40.png Nest Eggs Stamp % Breeding EXP AlienTree.png
Alien Hive Chunk
Oinkin (NPC, Quest)
StampB41.png Egg Stamp % New Pet Chance GalaxyA3.png
Half Eaten Donut
StampB42.png Lab Tube Stamp % Lab EXP GalaxyB1.png
Bottle Cap
Capital P (NPC, Quest)
StampB43.png Sailboat Stamp % Sailing Speed LavaA5.png
Stilt Pole
Pirate Porkchop (NPC, Quest)
StampB44.png Gamejoy Stamp % Gaming EXP Tree10.png
Poigu (NPC, Quest)
StampB45.png Divine Stamp % Divinity EXP LavaB3.png
Orange Slice
Pirate Porkchop (NPC, Quest)
StampB46.png Multitool Stamp Skill Efficiency Bug10.png
Dust Mote
Poigu (NPC, Quest)
StampB47.png Skelefish Stamp % Fishing Efficiency per Fishing Lvl Fish5.png
Trash Island
StampB48.png Crop Evo Stamp % Crop Evolution Chance Fish9.png
Hoov (NPC, Quest)
StampB49.png Sneaky Peeky Stamp % Sneaking EXP SpiA4.png
Leafy Horn
Lantern Spirit, Mama Troll, Leek Spirit, Bamboo Spirit
StampB50.png Jade Mint Stamp % Jade Coin SpiA2b.png
Stacked Rice Cake
River Spirit, Ricecake, Woodlin Spirit, Sprout Spirit, Baby Troll
StampB51.png Summoner Stone Stamp % Summoning EXP Soul7.png
Breezy Soul
Sussy Gene (NPC, Quest)
StampB52.png White Essence Stamp % White Essence Bug12.png
River Spirit, Ricecake, Woodlin Spirit, Sprout Spirit, Baby Troll
StampB53.png Triad Essence Stamp % Green, Yellow, Blue Essence Fish12.png
Sussy Gene (NPC, Quest)
StampB54.png Dark Triad Essence Stamp % Purple, Red, C Essence Tree13.png
Effervescent Logs
Minichief Spirit, Samurai Guardian, Royal Egg

Misc Stamps

Image Stamp Name Bonus Material Obtained
StampC1.png Questin Stamp % Quest EXP Jungle1.png
Slime Sludge
Tiki Chief (NPC, Quest)
StampC2.png Mason Jar Stamp % Carry Capacity DesertA1b.png
Glass Shard
XxX_Cattleprod_XxX (NPC, Quest)
StampC3.png Crystallin % Crystal Monster Spawn Chance CraftMat6.png
Boring Brick
Crystal Carrot, Crystal Cattle, Crystal Candalight, Crystal Capybara, Crystal Crabal, Crystal Custard
StampC4.png Arcade Ball Stamp % Arcade Ball Recharge Rate Copper.png
Copper Ore
StampC5.png Gold Ball Stamp % Reduced Arcade Upgrades Cost Fish1.png
StampC6.png Potion Stamp % Effect for Food, Potions, Stuff FoodMining1.png
Icing Ironbite
Papua Piggea (NPC, Quest)
StampC7.png Golden Apple Stamp % Golden Food Effect FoodG4.png
Golden Nomwich
Mutton (NPC, Quest)
StampC8.png Ball Timer Stamp Hr Arcade Ball Claim Max OakTree.png
Oak Logs
StampC9.png Card Stamp % Card Drop Rate DesertB2.png
Furled Flag
Level Up Gift
StampC10.png Forge Stamp % Forge Max Capacity Godshard.png
Godshard Ore
Spirit Village Vendor
StampC11.png Vendor Stamp % Shop Stock Quantity CraftMat3.png
Cue Tape
Yum-Yum Desert Vendor
StampC12.png Sigil Stamp % Sigil Charge Rate SnowA4.png
Ram Wool
StampC13.png Talent I Stamp Talent Points for Tab 1 Grasslands2.png
Frog Leg
StampC14.png Talent II Stamp Talent Points for Tab 2 DesertB3.png
Pincer Arm
Wellington (NPC, Quest)
StampC15.png Talent III Stamp Talent Points for Tab 3 Leaf3.png
Arctic Leaf
Snouts (NPC, Quest)
StampC16.png Talent IV Stamp Talent Points for Tab 4 LavaA1b.png
Royal Suggma Urn
StampC17.png Talent V Stamp Talent Points for Tab 5 Copper.png
Copper Ore
StampC18.png Talent S Stamp Talent Points for Star Tab Leaf2.png
Twisty Leaf
Fishpaste97 (NPC, Quest)
StampC19.png Multikill Stamp % Base Multikill Rate Grasslands1.png
Spore Cap
Chizoar, Thermister, Penguin, Snowman, Mamooth, Bloque, Chaotic Chizoar
StampC20.png Biblio Stamp % Talent Book Library Refresh Speed SaharanFoal.png
Tundra Logs
Snouts (NPC, Quest)
StampC21.png DNA Stamp % DNA from Splicing Bug7.png
Worker Bee
Capital P (NPC, Quest)
StampC22.png Refinery Stamp % Faster Refinery Cycles LavaA4.png
Cheesy Crumbs
StampC23.png Atomic Stamp % Lower Atom Upgrade Costs SpiA3.png
Skydoggie Spirit, Samurai Guardian, River Spirit, Mama Troll, Ricecake, Woodlin Spirit, Sprout Spirit, Baby Troll, Leek Spirit, Bamboo Spirit, Royal Egg, Ceramic Spirit, Minichief Spirit, Lantern Spirit

Stamp Bribes

Stamp Bribes

By speaking to Mr Pigibank, you can also access the Bribes section that allows you to purchase various bonuses with your Idleon Coins.

Here are all the Bribes you can currently get:

Name Description Cost
Insider Trading All stamps cost 5% less coins to upgrade. Silver 7 Copper 50
Tracking Chips Stamps drop +15% more often from monsters and resources that drop stamps. Silver 18
Mandatory Fire Sale All shop items cost 7% less coins. Silver 32
Sleeping on the Job Boosts fighting AFK Gains Rate by +5% Silver 60
Artificial Demand Items sell to shops for +10% more than their normal value. Silver 90
The Art of the Deal Unlocks the next set of 7 Bribes to be purchased. Gold 1 Silver 50
Overstock Regulations Item Quantity in all shops increased by +20%. Takes effect only after Shops restock. Gold 2
Double Exp Scheme Whenever you claim AFK rewards, there is a 2.2% chance to get x2 EXP. Gold 22 Silver 22 Copper 22
Tagged Indicators Stamps drop +20% more often. Stacks with previous bribe of this type. Gold 3
Fossil Fuel Legislation Oil Barrel consumption chance is reduced to 80% of the original chance. Gold 5 Silver 50
Five Aces in the Deck Card drop rate boosted by 1.20x for all areas of the game. Gold 7
Fake Teleport Tickets Get +2 Map Teleport every 24 hours. Caps at 6, so being gone for 4 days only gives 6 tele. Gold 9 Silver 90
The Art of the Steal Unlocks the next set of 7 Bribes to be purchased. Gold 20
Counterfeit Telepassports You now get +4 Map Teleports every 24 hours, and caps at 12 before you need to login. Gold 30
Weighted Marbles +10% arcade balls recharge rate. You'll be drowning in balls in no time! Gold 72 Silver 50
Changing the Code Unlock the 2nd Alchemy Bubble slot for ALL players. Don't go tellin' Lava 'bout this one... Platinum 1 Gold 50
Taxidermied Cog Pouches +4 Cog Inventory slots. Gold 75
Guild VIP Fraud Logging in each day now contributes 20 GP to your guild, instead of the normal 10. Gold 40
Library Double Agent +4 minimum Lv for all Talent Books from the library, so you get more of the goood stuff. Platinum 9 Gold 15 Silver 63 Copper 48
The Art of the Fail Unlocks the next set of 7 Bribes to be purchased. Platinum 25
Photoshopped Dmg Range Boosts Total Damage by +2%. Dementia 1
Glitched Acc Formula Boosts Total Accuracy by +2% Dementia 3
Firewalled Defence Boosts Total Defence by +2% Dementia 7
Bottomless Bags Boosts Carry Capacity by +5% Dementia 12
AFKeylogging Boosts Skill AFK Gains Rate by +2%. Void 2
Guild GP Hack Logging in each day now contributes 30 GP to your guild, instead of 20. Dementia 25
The Art of the Bail Unlock the next Bribe Set from the Garbage Tuna on Trash Island in World 2 to buy. Platinum 99 Gold 99 Silver 99 Copper 99
Random Garbage All random event bosses now drop Garbage Piles to give to the Garbage Tuna. Lustre 8
Godlier Creation The Godly Creation talent now gives up to +12 Stat bonus, instead of up to +4 Lustre 12 Void 12 Dementia 12 Platinum 12 Gold 12 Silver 12 Copper 12
Fishermaster +25% Fishing EXP, and +15% Fishing Efficiency, now and forever. Void 25 Dementia 15
Muscles on Muscles Boosts Total Damage by +2% Dreadlo 2
Bottle Service Bottles, used to buy maps to new islands, wash up at the docks +10% more often. Lustre 40
Star Scraper Get +33 Star Talent points, right now, for all characters, no questions asked. Starfire 33
The Art of the Grail You must unlock the next Bribe set from the Jade Emporium in World 6 to buy this. Platinum 99 Gold 99 Silver 99 Copper 99
Artifact Pilfering Boosts Artifact find chance by a pleasantly large +20% Dreadlo 30
Forge Cap Smuggling Boosts Forge Capacity by a smoking hot 1.30x Godshard 4 Dreadlo 40
Gold from Lead Boosts all Golden Food bonuses by +10% Godshard 71
Nugget Fabrication Boosts the rate at which the Shovel generates Nuggets in Gaming by +20% Sunder 3 Godshard 50
Divine PTS Miscounting Boosts Divinity PTS gain rate by +30% Sunder 50
Loot Table Tampering All items from Random Event Bosses are 1.20x more likely to drop than before. Tydal 10
The Art of the Flail Look buddy, I ain't got no more bribes, maybe an associate of mine will sort it out later... Platinum 99 Gold 99 Silver 99 Copper 99

Special Stamp Bonuses

There are also some special ways of boosting your stamp progression. These boosts may be time-limited.

Bonus Event Type
Get a +3 Stamp LVs every day for a random Stamp Valenslimes Event Time-Limited


Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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