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The Forge - Smithing - IdleOn

February 28, 2025

The Forge in IdleOn allows you to turn Ores into Bars through Smithing, which are commonly used in crafting new items at the Anvil. The Forge becomes available once you have completed the early-game tutorial and also can be added to the World 1 Town Blunder Hills.

Each character has their own Smithing Level that will increase their production speed and Smithing EXP gained when using The Forge.

At Level 18, you can purchase a Town Forge so that it is available in Blunder Hills. This forge is exactly the same as the one in the Mines.

How The Forge Works

The Forge

When you click on The Forge, you'll be presented with a UI containing three slots.

The Ore Slot is where you deposit your Ores. As soon as they have been deposited, The Forge will begin turning them into Bars. All you have to do is wait!

Crude Oil

The next slot is the Barrel Slot. Here you can place various Barrels that give special effects when turning Ores into Bars, like speeding up production or the chance to obtain multiple bars at once.

The third slot is where your newly crafted Bars are placed. Just click on them to drag them back into your Inventory, which you can then use for your crafting needs.

At the bottom of The Forge, you can click on the Deposit button, to automatically deposit all ores from your Inventory into the first Forge Slot. The Tap button allows you to move a max-stack of Ores from The Forge to your Inventory, and vice-versa.


There is also an Upgrade Tab, that allows you to unlock various boosts and bonuses when using The Forge. See below for all the bonuses.

Smelting Ores and Bars

When you use The Forge, it will smelt Ores into Bars. Each type of Bar requires a specific amount of Ores to transform into a bar.

As you start gathering rarer and rarer ores, the amount you need will steadily increase as well as the production time.

Ore Bar Ores Needed Time
Copper Ore
Copper Ore
Copper Bar
Copper Bar
2 15 seconds
Iron Ore
Iron Ore
Iron Bar
Iron Bar
4 30 seconds
Gold Ore
Gold Ore
Gold Bar
Gold bar
7 60 seconds
Platinum Ore
Platinum Ore
Platinum Bar
Platinum Bar
16 200 seconds
Dementia Ore
Dementia Ore
Dementia Bar
Dementia Bar
40 400 seconds
Void Ore
Void Ore
Void Bar
Void Bar
100 750 seconds
Lustre Ore
Lustre Ore
Lustre Bar
Lustre Bar
250 1,300 seconds
Starfire Ore
Starfire Ore
Starfire Bar
Starfire Bar
500 2,000 seconds
Dreadlo Ore
Dreadlo Ore
Dreadlo Bar
Dreadlo Bar
1,000 3,100 seconds
Marble Ore
Marble Ore
Marble Bar
Marble Bar
4,000 6,000 seconds
Godshard Ore
Godshard Ore
Godshard Bar
Godshard Bar
15,000 15,000 seconds


Oil Barrels

Barrels can help with crafting Bars faster and more efficiently. However, they do have a chance to be consumed each time you forge a new bar, so you'll have to be topping them up constantly.

You don't have to use Barrels to forge Ores into Bars.

Item Effect How To Get
Glumlee's Special Tutorial Oil
Glumlee's Special Tutorial Oil
Increases Forging Speed by 999% for the Forge Slot it's in. 200% chance to be consumed when a bar is forged. Tutorial
Crude Oil
Crude Oil

Increases Forging Speed by 15% for the Forge Slot it's in. 75% chance to be consumed when a bar is forged.

Blunder Hills Shop (W1)
Toxic Sludge
Toxic Sludge

Increases Extra Bar chance by 20% for the Slot it's in. 60% chance to be consumed when a bar is forged.

Radioactive Waste
Radioactive Waste

Increases Forging Speed by 30% for the Forge Slot it's in. 30% chance to be consumed when a bar is forged.

Anvil Tab 2
Eco Friendly Oil
Eco Friendly Oil

Increases Forging Speed by 10% for the Forge Slot it's in. 30% chance to be consumed when a bar is forged.

Anvil Tab 1 (Unlocked via Tasks)
Magma Barrel
Magma Barrel

Increases Extra Bar chance by 40% for the Slot it's in. 50% chance to be consumed when a bar is forged.

Smolderin Plateau Shop (W5)
Plasma Barrel
Plasma Barrel

Increases Extra Bar chance by 60% for the Slot it's in. 30% chance to be consumed when a bar is forged.

Spirit Village Shop (W6)

The Forge Upgrades


You can upgrade your Forge with a number of special boosts that cost coins. The cost of each upgrade gradually gets more expensive as you upgrade.

Upgrade Description Max Level Max Value
New Forge Slot Opens another Slot to smelt ores in 16 16 Slots
Ore Capacity Boost Increases max ores per slot by + (10 * per level) + 20 50 +13,250 Capacity
Forge Speed Ores are turned to bars +5% faster 90 +550% Speed
Forge EXP Gain +1% EXP Gain from Anvil Production 85 +85% EXP
Bar Bonanza +1% chance to make an extra bar 75 +75% Extra Bar
Puff Puff Go +1% for a Card Drop when forging 60 +120% Card Drop

The Forge Cards

Whenever you take out smelted bars from The Forge, there is a chance for a card to drop.

There are two IdleOn Cards you can obtain:

  • Fire Forge Card - obtained from the first tab of Forge Slots
  • Cinder Forge Card - obtained from the second tab of Forge Slots

Below you can find all the cards for the Easy Resources set. The set bonus effect is % Skill Efficiency

Image Card Bonus 1 2 3 4 5
Fire Forge Card Fire Forge Card % Smithing EXP (Passive)



10 cards


30 cards


50 cards


160 cards


4590 cards

Cinder Forge Card Cinder Forge Card % Smithing EXP (Passive)



10 cards


30 cards


50 cards


160 cards


4590 cards

Forge Achievements

When using The Forge, you can also obtain the following achievements. Some achievements can only be claimed by playing on the Steam version.

Icon Achievement Description Rewards Steam Exclusive
Achievement Learn 2 Forge Get the mining certificate from Glumlee 10 Gems
1hr time candy
Achievement Pro Gamer Move Keep the oil. Precious, precious oil...
SECRET: When doing the mining tutorial to obtain the Mining Certificate, do not use the special Oil to forge a Copper Bar.
10 Gems
1hr time candy

Other Forge Boosts

You can also boost The Forge from other areas of IdleOn.

Name Boost From Notes
Beeg Forge
Beeg Forge
+750% Forge Capacity The Upgrade Vault Access from World 1
Brimestone Slot
Brimstone Forge Slot
Brimstone slots smelt bars 50% faster, and have +50% multi-bar chance, meaning you'll get extra bars for every ore! These MULTIPLY with forge upgrades, so they're always good! Gem Shop 100 Gems (+15 per purchase)
Forge Stamp
Forge Stamp
+% Forge Capacity Stamps Obtained in World 6
Forge Cap Smuggling Boosts Forge Capacity by a smoking hot 1.30x Stamp Bribes Access from World 1
Forge Capacity
Forge Capacity
+50% Forge Capacity Arcade Access from World 1
Godshard Card
+% Forge Capacity and Speed (Passive) Cards Access from World 3
Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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