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The Upgrade Vault - IdleOn

March 17, 2025

The Upgrade Vault is a new Idleon feature where you can spend coins you've earned to boost many different upgrades. This feature was introduced to help accelerate new players and gives massive boosts to many features in Idleon.

The Upgrade Vault was added on February 3rd 2025. More upgrades were added on February 17th 2025.

Vault Access

You can be access The Upgrade Vault from anywhere by clicking on the Codex menu option and selecting The Upgrade Vault in the bottom right corner.

This feature offers arguably the best early-game upgrades every player should be investing into. This feature will now allow players to push into World 4 very easy.

The Upgrade Vault

Each Vault Upgrade has a max level and costs coins to upgrade. You unlock more new upgrades the more upgrades you spend money on.

All Vault Upgrades

Below you can find all the available Vault Upgrades. New Vault Upgrades are planned to be added relatively soon, so we'll update this page as new ones are added.

Each upgrade is locked behind a total amount of upgrades you need to have used.

The final bonus is called Vault Mastery, which when maxed, gives 1.5x bonus to all Vault Upgrades apart from a select few.

Image Name Description Unlock Max Level Max Value Vault Bonus
Bigger Damage Bigger Damage +Damage. Monsters hate this upgrade 0 500 +1825 +2738
Natural Talent Natural Talent +Talent Points. Go spend them! 7 200 +200 +200
Monster Tax Monster Tax +% Coins dropped by Monsters. 13 500 1000% 1500%
Wicked Smart Wicked Smart +% Class EXP Gain. 36 500 1000% 1500%
Bullseye Bullseye + Accuracy. Useful when you start missing! 54 200 +200 +300
Steel Guard Steel Guard + Defence. Useful when monsters start hurting! 65 100 +100 +150
Evolving Talent Evolving Talent + Talent Points for Warrior, Archer, and Mage! 75 200 +200 +200
Massive Whirl Massive Whirl Whirl is 2x as big and can hit +2 more monsters! 83 1 1 1
Rapid Arrows Rapid Arrows Piercing Arrow fires double arrows! 85 1 1 1
Dual Fireballs Dual Fireballs Fireball casts in both directions at the same time! 87 1 1 1
Weapon Craft Weapon Craft All crafted weapons give +% more damage. 100 100 50% 75%
Mining Payday Mining Payday +% Coins per POW 10 ores mined. Go make a 2nd player to go mining for you! 115 40 80% 120%
Baby On Board Baby on Board +% Class EXP Gain for your Lowest LV Player 130 50 100% 150%
Major Discount Major Discount All upgrades in the Vault are % cheaper 175 80 80% 80%
Bored to Death Bored to Death +% Coins from Monsters per POW 10 Bored Bean Kills. 190 10 50% 75%
Knockout Knockout! +% Total Damage per Knockout! 220 5 5% 8%
Stamp Bonanza Stamp Bonanza x higher bonuses from Sword, Heart, Target, and Shield Stamps 275 100 3x 4x
Carry Capacity Carry Capacity Can carry +x more resources per slot! 300 100 +500 +750
Drops For Days Drops for Days +% Drop Rarity, also known by the IdleOn community as Drop Rate, or DR 345 50 50% 75%
Happy Doggy Happy Doggy +% Dog Happiness 350 100 200% 300%
Slice N Dice Slice N Dice +Base Damage per POW 10 Carrotman Kills. 370 100 +200 +300
Go Go Secret Owl Go Go Secret Owl +% Feathers/sec for Orion the Horned Owl 410 100 500% 750%
Boss Decimation Boss Decimation +% Boss Damage 460 25 25% 38%
Sleepy Time Sleepy Time +% AFK Gains for Fighting and Skilling 520 20 20% 30%
Production Revolution Production Revolution +% faster Anvil Production 580 100 500% 750%
Statue Bonanza Statue Bonanza x higher bonuses from Power, Speed, Mining, and Lumberbob Statues 630 50 2x 2.5x
Beeg Forge Beeg Forge +% higher Forge Capacity 690 100 500% 750%
Stick Snapping Stick Snapping +% Total Damage per POW 10 Walking Stick Kills. 750 50 50% 75%
Liquid Knowledge Liquid Knowledge +% Alchemy EXP Gain 830 100 100% 150%
Bigger Damage Bug Knowledge +% Catching EXP Gain 910 100 100% 150%
Fish Knowledge Fish Knowledge +% Fishing EXP Gain 960 100 100% 150%
Dirty Money Dirty Money +% Coins from Monsters per POW 10 Poop Kills 1000 25 50% 75%
Vault Mastery Vault Mastery x higher bonuses from most Vault Upgrades 1050 50 1.5x 1.5x
Storage Slots Storage Slots more slots in your Storage Chest Great for moving items between players! 1100 24 +24 +24
Recipe For Profit Recipe for Profit +% Coins per recipe unlocked from Taskboard! 1140 50 50% 75%
Schoolin For Fish Schoolin the Fish +% Class EXP per POW 10 fish caught. 1210 20 20% 30%
Straight To Storage Straight to Storage You can now deposit resources from AFK straight to storage. Other items will still drop on the ground 1260 1 1 1
Bubble Money Bubble Money +% Coins from Mobs for each time you upgrade an Alchemy Bubble 1320 10 10% 15%
Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip +% faster Liquid Generation for Alchemy. This is one of the costs to upgrade bubbles! 1400 20 100% 150%
Active Learning Active Learning x more Class EXP gained from defeating monsters while the game is open 1470 100 3x 4.5x
Stunning Talent Stunning Talent +Talent Points for your Subclass. Talk to Specius in World 2 Map 3 to get your subclass!!! 1540 100 +100 +100
Bug Power En Masse Bug Power En Masse +% Total Damage per POW 10 bugs caught. 1620 20 20% 30%
Vial Overtune Vial Overtune All vials give x higher bonuses. 1700 3 1.3x 1.3x
Active Murdering Active Murdering Killing monsters open portals x faster while the game is open 1780 100 2x 2x
Card Retirement Card Retirement Cards that give Card Drop Rate bonuses become PASSIVE, so you never need to equip them again! 1850 1 1 1
Go Go Secret Kangaroo Mouse Go Go Secret Kangaroo Mouse +% Bluefish for Poppy the Kangaroo Mouse! 1920 250 2500% 3,750%
All Armoured Up All Armoured Up All equipment gives x more DEF stat. You'll need this to not die from monsters! 2000 100 2x 3x
Daily Mailbox Daily Mailbox Get x Post Office boxes every day you open up IdleOn and play it! 2080 10 +10 +15
Buildie Sheepie Buildie Sheepie +% Construction SPD per POW 10 Sheepie Kills. 2160 20 40% 60%
Quest KAPOW! Quest KAPOW! Raises the max LV of the star talent to x. You'll see this star talent on Page 1. 2240 200 +200 +200
Critters n Soul Critters n Souls +% more Critters and Souls from all sources! 2320 300 300% 450%
Slight Do Over Slight Do-Over Hold down on a Talent to refund, doable x times every day. This will refund the points! 2400 20 20 20
Duplicate Entries Duplicate Entries Whenever you get new colosseum tickets, you get DOUBLE the amount! 2470 1 1 1
Special Talent Special Talent +Star Talent Points 2530 150 +150 +150
Kitchen Dream Mare Kitchen Dream-mare x meal cooking speed. Go on lad, turn that kitchen around! 2600 500 40x 60x
Lab Knowledge Lab Knowledge +% Lab EXP Gain for all players 2700 100 100% 150%
Foraging Forever Foraging Forever +% Foraging Speed for all pets, so you can gather spices so much faster! 2850 250 250% 375%
Teh Tome Teh TOM + Tome Score. Maybe this will get you into the Top 1% Score of all IdleOn players? 3000 500 +1000 +1000
Pet Punchies Pet Punchies +% Pet Damage for all pets, so you can win pet battles easier and collect new spices! 3100 250 500% 750%
Breeding Knowledge Breeding Knowledge +% Breeding EXP Gain. Also, rare eggs now have a HUGE exp multi! 3200 100 200% 300%
Cooking Knowledge Cooking Knowledge +% Cooking EXP Gain. This bonus is weird, it actually goes up faster the more you level it! 3300 500 24,125% 37,188%
Vault Mastery II Vault Mastery II x higher bonuses from all the Vault Upgrades above with the Green Highlight!!! 3500 50 1.5x 1.5x


Name Upgrade Bonus Unlock Max Level Max Bonus Valut Max Bonus
Fasta Foo Fasta Foo +% Movement Speed 300 15 15% 23%
  • 18/02/25 - Fasta Foo was replaced with Carry Capacity (V2.29)
  • 17/02/25 - Added V2.29 Upgrades
  • 07/02/25 - Added Initial Upgrades
Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.

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