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IdleOn Patch v2.28: Valentines Event, Reduced Forge times and More!

March 17, 2025

A brand new IdleOn Update has just dropped, introducing the limited-time Valentines Day Event! This update also comes with some more quality-of-life updates that help speed up the game progression!

Patch V2.28 of IdleOn introduces the new Valenslimes Day Event, which will last until February 24th (16 days!).

Checkout our Valenslimes Event Guide for all the rewards and event info!

Event Wheel

The event brings back the Event Wheel and adds new Event Shop Bonuses you can purchase for your account (that will last even after the event is over!). Head to World 1 and speak to Loveulyte to spend your points.

The event is similar to the Christmas Event, where you need to have 50 Choco Boxe items drop by playing actively each day, which gives you one free spin of the Event Wheel.


Opening up the Chocoboxes will give you a variety of rewards, including Gems and Time Candy. There are also 5 new unique items that can be obtained by opening boxes!

Valentines Gem Pack

There is also a brand new Valenslimes Gem Pack available for $9.99 that gives you +3,000 Gems, +600 Pet Crystals, 12 Wheel Spins and an account-wide bonus of 2.5x Coins Rate.

Glunko the Massive

Glunko Massive

A new mini-boss now appears in Slime Jungle (Jungle Perimeter) in World 1!

Check out Glunk the Massive in our IdleOn Monster Database.

Goo Galoshes Slimy Necklace

It drops some useful early-game equipment, including the Slimy Necklace pendant and Goo-Goo Shoes.

Glunko also drops a new card which gives 2 Weapon Power at Level 1!

Patch Notes

Here are the V2.28 IdleOn Patch Notes:

  • Valenslimes Day is here! Defeat monsters for Chocoboxes, open then for goodies, and spin the wheel daily!
  • Added SMALL MODE to Storage Chest! It's not 'content', but rizzler be darned, it's probably more important than new content!
  • Fight Glunko The Massive at the slimes map in World 1... endgamers, bring your BoneJoePickles!
  • Increased the Max LV of the Refinery Speed upgrade at Salt Lick to 100. Go max it out!
  • Every time you fail to get a new sprout species, the chance goes up for next time!
  • Made boss monsters drop their items ~1.5 seconds faster when killed
  • Removed the "top of the hour" respawn for Baba Yaga, who now always shows up, and has a 24hr respawn. RIP.
  • Items that are filtered out now say "Filtered Out" where they usually show their "1 in X" odds display.
  • The talent "I Dream of Peace and Egg" on Beast Master now gives 3 eggs (previously 1 egg) every 10hrs of your AFK claim
  • Lowered the number of Pearler Shells you need to craft Starfire tools to 5 each (previously 25 each)
  • Lowered the number of Black Lenses you need to craft Void Weapons to 2 each (previously 4 each)
  • Reduced time needed to forge bars from ore by -80%. In order starting from copper, it used to take 50, 150, 350, 1000, 1500, 2500, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 50000 seconds. Now, it is 15, 30, 60, 200, 400, 750, 1300, 2000, 3100, 6000, 15000.
  • Fixed a bug where holding down to upgrade Vault on mobile was super slow

One of the better quality of life updates from this patch it the reduced forge time! It now takes 80% less time to smelt ores into bars!

Those of you working on W4 gear will also benefit from this update with reduced crafting materials needed to make Void Weapons!


LavaFlame2 is also streaming the new event on Twitch! So if you want to get some freebies, head over to their stream and support the game!

Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.

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