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Valenslimes Event Guide - IdleOn

March 17, 2025

The Valenslimes Event has now been added to IdleOn, allowing you to earn special rewards by collecting Choco Boxes, defeating Valenslimes and spinning the Event Wheel!

The Valenslimes Event was added during Patch V2.28 and will last until February 24th 2025. However, the event may be extended by additional days if the community hits certain milestones.

UPDATE: The event has been extended until March 1st 2025.

Everyone can participate in this event and is a great way for new players of World 1 to start boosting their accounts.

Valenslimes Choco Boxes

Choco BoxChoco BoxChoco BoxChoco Box

Every day you can defeat any monster in Idleon and it has a chance of dropping a special Choco Box item. You can collect up to 50 a day, and if you manage to collect all 50, you'll get one free spin on the Event Wheel (see below).

When you open your first Choco Box, you'll get the following message from LavaFlame2:

Happy Valenslimes Day! If you open 500 of these, I'll make sure that 500th box has a ROSE CAPE!

The Choco Boxes can also be opened for special rewards. Clicking on them will drop the following items:

Image Item Drop Rate Type Notes
Premium Gem Gem 18.63% Currency Spend on Items in the Gem Shop.
Stained Pearl Stained Pearl 6.86% Food Increases Mining Speed by 30% 1% chance to be consumed every time you swing your pickaxe. Must be equipped in a Food Slot to give its bonus.  
Aqua Pearl Aqua Pearl 7.84% Food Increases Fishing Spd by 30% 1% chance to be consumed every time you reel in a fish. Must be equipped in a Food Slot to give its bonus.  
1 HR Time Candy 1 HR Time Candy 11.76% Consumable Hold down to instantly get 1 Hour of AFK Gains.
2 HR Time Candy 2 HR Time Candy 3.92% Consumable Hold down to instantly get 2 Hour of AFK Gains.      
4 HR Time Candy 4 HR Time Candy 3.92% Consumable Hold down to instantly get 4 Hour of AFK Gains.      
12 HR Time Candy 12 HR Time Candy 0.59% Consumable Twelve hours, that's a long time! Hold down to instantly get 12 Hour of AFK Gains.      
24 HR Time Candy 24 HR Time Candy 0.29% Consumable An entire day, just like that! Hold down to instantly get 24 Hour of AFK Gains.      
Big Pretty Bow Big Pretty Bow 0.98% Hat
  • Level: 1
  • Class: All
  • STR: +1
  • AGI: +1
  • WIS: +1
  • Misc: 5% EXP from Monsters
  • Upgrade Slots: 3
Pink Beanie Pink Beanie 0.98% Premium Hat
  • Level: 1
  • Class: All
  • STR: +1
  • AGI: +1
  • WIS: +1
  • Misc: 5% EXP from Monsters
  • Upgrade Slots: 5
Ice Cream Sundae Ice Cream Sundae 0.98% Premium Hat
  • Level: 30
  • Class: All
  • LUK: +10
  • Defence: +2
  • Misc: +25% Money
  • Upgrade Slots: 5
Pop Cat Pop Cat 0.98% Premium Hat
  • Level: 1
  • Class: All
  • STR: +1
  • AGI: +1
  • WIS: +1
  • LUK: +1
  • Upgrade Slots: 5
Parasite Parasite 0.98% Premium Hat
  • Level: 1
  • Class: All
  • STR: +1
  • AGI: +1
  • WIS: +1
  • LUK: +1
  • Upgrade Slots: 5
Black Pearl Black Pearl 10.78% Consumable Hold down to gain 20% EXP in the skill that's shown in the corner of the screen. If you're in a town, you will gain EXP in the town skill. Only works on skills below level 30.      
Divinity Pearl Divinity Pearl 0.98% Consumable Hold down to gain 40% EXP in the skill that's shown in the corner of the screen. If you're in a town, you will gain EXP in the town skill. Only works on skills below level 50.      
Lovey Dovey Letter Lovey Dovey Letter x10 11.76% Consumable Hold down on a letter to spawn a Valenslime!
Gem Envelope Gem Envelope 0.98% Consumable Contains a random number of gems, hold down to open! It could be just a couple gems, but it could also have as many as 10,000 gems!      
Cherry ChocoLemony ChocoMinto ChocoMilk Choco Cherry Choco or Lemony Choco or Minto Choco or Milk Choco 10.78% Food
  • Cherry Choco: Increases Weapon Power by 5. 10% chance to be consumed every time you defeat a monster. Must be equipped in a Food Slot to give its bonus.
  • Lemony Choco: Increases Exp Gain by 30% 1% chance to be consumed every time you defeat a monster. Must be equipped in a Food Slot to give its bonus.
  • Minto Choco: Increases Move Spd by 8%. 1% chance to be consumed every 10 meters walked. Must be equipped in a Food Slot to give its bonus.
  • Milk Choco: Auto-Used when your health goes below 80%. Restores 1000 HP. Has a 12 second Cooldown.   
Loveulyte Card Loveulyte Card 1.96% Card 10% Total HP
Giant Rose Card Giant Rose Card 2.94% Card 6% EXP From Monsters
Chocco Box Card Chocco Box Card 4.90% Card 8% Boost Food Effect

Once you open 500 Choco Boxes, you'll be given the Giant Rose cape.

Image Name Stats
Giant Rose Giant Rose
  • Level: 1
  • Class: All
  • Weapon Power: +2
  • Defence: +10
  • Misc: 7% AFK Gains

Valenslimes Event Wheel

Valenslimes Event Wheel

The Valenslimes Event Wheel can be found in World 1. You get 1 free spin per day once you have had 50 Choco Boxes drop.

Drop Counter Valenslimes

If you open the Settings Menu, you can see how many Choco Boxes that have currently dropped.

Spinning the wheel will give you a prize based on the section of the wheel you land on. After 50 Spins, you are guaranteed to win the Jackpot (Light blue section).

Here are the following Event Wheel prizes:

Wheel Rank Prizes Notes
Blue (JACKPOT!) Ribbon T16x1, Event Pointx10, Lovely Day Nametagx1 Guaranteed after 50 Spins
Red Ribbon T10x1, Event Pointx4, Storage 16-slotx1 The Storage Chest (16-slot) can only be used once per account
Green Ribbon T6x1, Event Pointx3  
Orange Ribbon T6x1, Event Pointx2  
Brown Holy Pearlx3, Event Pointx1  
Pink 1 HR Time Candyx1, Event Pointx1  

Ribbons can be used in the World 4 Area to boost Meal Recipes. If you have a full storage of Ribbons, the game will attempt to merge your lowest tier Ribbons to make space.

The Lovely Day Nametag has the following stats:

Image Item Stats
Lovely Day Nametag Lovely Day Nametag
  • Level: 1
  • Class: All
  • Weapon Power: +10
  • STR: +8
  • AGI: +8
  • WIS: +8
  • Defence: +25
  • Misc: +60% Damage Bonus
  • Misc: +200% Money

You can also purchase additional spins using Gems or buying the new Valenslimes Gem Pack.

Spins Gem Cost
2 500
5 1000
10 1500

Valentines Gem Pack

The brand new Valenslimes Gem Pack available for $9.99 that gives you +3,000 Gems, +600 Pet Crystals, 12 Wheel Spins and an account-wide bonus of 2.5x Coins Rate.

Valenslimes Event Shop

Valentslimes Event Shop

You can also spend your Event Points that you earn from the wheel on account-wide bonuses in the Event Shop. 

Click on the Loveulyte NPC in World 1 Blunder Hills.

The Event Points carry over to the next event, so if you have any left over from the previous event, you can spend them here.

The account-wide bonuses are permanent, even after the event ends.

Here are all the Event Bonuses:

Name Description Event Points
Extra Page Give +1 more Filter Page. Find it on the left side of cards 20
More Storage Get +12 storage slots for your Storage Chest! 10
Coin Stacking Get a 1.50x multiplier to ALL coin gain, and profit big time! 15
Stamp Stack Get a +3 Stamp LVs every day for a random Stamp 30


ValentslimeLovey Dovey LetterValentslime

By opening Choco Boxes, you can obtain a special item called Lovey Dovey Letter. Opening this item will spawn a Valentslime (make sure to open them in a hunting map otherwise you won't be able to attack the slimes).

Cherry ChocoLemony ChocoMinto ChocoMilk Choco

The Valentslime drops a variety of foods that can boost various skills.

Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.

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