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Blunder Hills World 1 - IdleOn

February 28, 2025

Blunder Hills is World 1 of IdleOn and is where every new character starts out. This guide aims to give an overview of W1, including all the areas to explore, a progression guide and other tips and tricks to getting started in IdleOn.

World 1 introduces three new classes, two new skill classes and a multitude of different mechanics to play as you begin your Idleon Adventure.

If this is your first time playing Idleon, you should check out our beginners guide to help you get started. Every new account starts out slow, but you'll slowly pick up more and more activities that you can start managing to boost your stats and account.

You can also view all monsters in Idleon via our Idleon Monster Database and items in the IdleOn Item Database.

Blunder Hills


After you complete the tutorial, you'll land in Blunder Hills, the starting town for World 1. At first glance, Blunder Hills will seem quite empty, but you'll unlock more features as you Level Up. Check out our Progression Guide below for what to focus on in World 1.

The following areas are available in World 1:

World 1 Progression Guide


You might look above and think World 1 is brimming with activities- and it is! IdleOn has so many different mechanics, quests, games and other stuff to do that you can easily get sidetracked. It's what makes it a very unique Idle MMORPG!

This progression guide will give you advice on how to progress through World 1. You can complete World 1 within an hour (in terms of unlocking World 2), but World 1 also holds plenty of extra mechanics to do that can benefit you as you push for later worlds.

Give Me Hat

Before you leave Blunder Hills on your journey, pick up a free Real Civil Engineer Helmet by typing give me hat near the World 2 portal.

This hardy helmet will give you some nice defence to stop you taking damage early on.

Amarok Boss Fight

Your first aim for World 1 should be to defeat the World 1 Boss, Amarok. Not only will defeating Amarok unlock World 2, but he also drops some pretty useful items!

Amarok drops precious Amarok Slab items that are used to craft Amarok Equipment

This equipment is good enough to get you all the way to World 5, so you'll want to be defeating Amarok as soon as possible. Getting multiple characters to defeat Amarok each day will speed up your ability to craft a full set of Amarok gear.

Amarok villa

Follow the main quest-line to unlock various items along the way; Amarok can be found in Encroaching Forest Villas (one map before the end of Blunder Hills). Use the World Map to see his location.

You get 1 boss key per day per character that has reached the boss.

Class Selection

At Level 10, you get to choose your class for your character by speaking to Promotheus at Valley Of The Beans. 

As you'll have many different characters in IdleOn, it doesn't matter which class you choose in the beginning. The easiest is probably Warrior, since their damage and attacks will allow you to wipe the floor with most mobs early on.

When you get to World 2, you'll be able to job advance into one of two different class branches. You'll want to eventually have one character of every class in IdleOn.


Gear is not strictly important at the beginning of IdleOn, so you don't need to worry too much about crafting each weapon tier as you progress. For each of your characters you'll want to aim to get full Amarok Gear (apart from the helmet since it's not worth the effort to craft) and their class's strongest weapon available:

Steel Axe Birch Longbow Quarterstaff


The Dewdrop Colosseum is a daily "dungeon" where waves of monsters spawn with a time limit. Clearing them out as fast you can will reward you with Treasure Chests containing useful materials, equipment and even Gems.

You get 1 Ticket per day and it can be accessed from Froggy Fields (the second map from Blunder Hills Town).

The Upgrade Vault

One of the best ways to boost yourself early-game is to use The Upgrade Vault. This feature was recently added to help push players into the later worlds, making many of the early-game mechanics obsolete.

The Upgrade Vault is accessed from your Codex menu, and you spend your coins on various upgrades. You should focus on putting all your money into damage upgrades to help you one-shot all mobs in Blunder Hills.

Make sure you also pickup a Free Pet Companion. You can get one per week and they offer some very juicy bonuses, so if you get lucky it can really help make IdleOn a lot more easy!


At Level 14, you can unlock Stamps in Blunder Hills and by speaking to Mr Pigibank. You can then buy 3 Stamps from the Blunder Hills Town Shop to start unlocking the bonuses:

  • Target Stamp - Increases Accuracy
  • Shield Stamp - Increases Defense
  • Mana Stamp - Increases Mana

You'll also have four stamps already unlocked:

  • Sword Stamp - Increases Base Damage
  • Heart Stamp - Increases Base HP
  • Pickaxe Stamp - Increases Base Mining Efficiency
  • Hatchet Stamp - Increases Base Choppin' Efficiency

You should try to level all of these up to Level 5 as they don't cost very much to upgrade. Every 5 levels you'll then need materials to increase to the next level.

Statue Man

At Level 22, you can purchase the Statue Man.

Accept the quest on the block of stone and purchase a Scripting Tool from the Blunder Hills Town Shop to complete the quest.

You can then deposit statues you find from mobs to the Statue Man for stat bonuses. These bonuses are not shared among all your characters until you purchase the Golden Statue from World 2.

Tasks And Achievements

At Level 28, you can unlock the World 1 Tasks board and Achievements section.

The board will display a list of tasks you can complete; once you've met the requirements you can click on the task to be rewarded Merits and Unlock Trophies.

Merits can be spend on various bonuses from the Merit Shop.

Orion Mini Game

Orion Owl Mini-Game is another area where you can really boost your damage and account stats early-game. 

It's a simply clicker game that can be accessed from the Valley Of The Beans map by defeating 1,500 Bored Beans to unlock the portal at the bottom left.

Town Shop

Vendor Shop

The Blunder Hills town shop sells the following items. The Stock Quantity resets every day.

Item Cost Quantity Utility
Nomwich 8 bronze 750 Restores 20 HP
Hot Dog 28 bronze 750 Restores 50 HP
Cheezy Pizza 80 Bronze 750 Restores 125 HP
Cue Tape 12 Bronze 4999 Crafting material
Small Mana Potion 20 Bronze 500 Boosts Mana Regen by 20%
Small Strength Potion 20 Bronze 400 Boosts Base Dmg by 50.
Small Life Potion 16 Bronze 400 Boosts Base HP by 75.
Small Speed Potion 28 Bronze 400 Boosts Move Spd by 10%
Crude Oil 32 Bronze 1000 Forge material
Weapon Upgrade Stone I 5 Silver 12 Upgrades equipment
Armor Upgrade Stone I 4 Silver 24 Upgrades equipment
Tool Upgrade Stone I 4 Silver, 40 Bronze 16 Upgrades tools
Pugilist Demise 1 Gold, 60 Silver 1 Ring Equipment
Power Statue 40 Bronze 3 Statue
Sculpting Tools 16 Silver 4 Quest item
Target Stamp 4 Silver 1 Stamp
Shield Stamp 16 Silver 1 Stamp
Mana Stamp 60 Silver 1 Stamp
Bummo Bag 96 Bronze 1 Inventory Slots
Storage Chest 2 8 Silver 1 Storage Slots
Storage Chest 6 32 Silver 1 Storage Slots
Storage Chest 7 1 Gold, 40 Silver 1 Storage Slots
Basketball 4 Silver 1 Mini Game
Bottled Town Teleport 2 Silver 50 Town Teleport item
Talent Point Reset Fragment 8 Silver 1 Need 10x to create a Talent Reset Potion

World 1 Skills - Mining and Chopping

In World 1, you get access to two skills: Mining and Chopping. There are no requirements to start using these skills; if you see Ore, you can mine it, if you see a tree, you can chop it!

Every character in Idleon can level up all skills in the game. For each Level Up, you gain 1 Talent Point. Each skill has it's own Level Up system rewarding EXP for that skill by performing the skill.


Copper Ore

Mining is likely the skill you come across first as it is part of the tutorial.

You can mine ore in the Blunder Hill Mines, which can be access from the left-most portal from the Town map.

Click on any of the Ore Deposits on the map to start mining ore. There are several stats that determine how many ores you can mine per hour:

  • Mining Efficiency
  • Mining Speed
  • Multi-Ore Drop Chance
  • Ore Value Per Drop

Ores are materials used for crafting new items at the Anvil.

You can smelt ores into bars by using the Forge. You will also need Crude Oil, which can be purchased from the Blunder Hills Town Shop.

As well as mining, you can also participate in the Ore Mining Mini-Game (5 times per day), which will reward you with ores.

As you Level Up your Mining Skill, you'll unlock the portals in the mines that allows you to go deeper and mine different types of ore like Iron and Gold.

By the time you start World 2, you should aim to be mining Iron and Gold Ores.

World 1 Mining Gear

The following gear will help increase your Mining Efficiency.

Item Stats Obtained Notes
Copper Pickaxe Speed: 3
Mining Power: 6
STR: +3
Anvil Tab 1 Requires 10x Copper Bar
Iron Pickaxe Speed: 4
Mining Power: 10
STR: +5
AGI: +2
Anvil Tab 1 Requires 70x Iron Bar, 150x Carrot Cube
Dirty Coal Miner Baggy Soot Pants STR: +7
Defence: 12
Misc: +5% Mining Effciency
Anvil Tab 1 Requires Torn Jeans x3, Iron Ore x200
Poopy Pickaxe Speed: 2
Mining Power: 18
Defence: 3
Misc: +2% Mining Effciency
Quest Item  


Choppin Class

You can start Chopping by finding intractable trees on various maps within Blunder Hills.

You can find an Oak Tree in the first map right of Blunder Hills (Spore Meadows). Select it and your character will start chopping down logs.

There are a variety of trees in Blunder Hills that drop different types of logs. Like mining, you'll need to increase your Chopping Efficiency in order to chop higher level trees.

The following stats determine how many logs you can obtain:

  • Choppin Efficiency
  • Choppin Speed
  • Multi-Log Drop Chance
  • Log Value Per Drop

World 1 Chopping Gear

The following gear will help increase your Choppin Efficiency.

Item Stats Obtained Notes
Copper Chopper Speed: 3
Choppin Power: 7
AGI: +1
WIS: +3
Anvil Tab 1 Requires 25x Oak Logs, 5x Thread
Iron Hatchet Speed: 3
Choppin Power: 10
STR: +2
WIS: +5
Anvil Tab 1 Requires 200x Jungle Logs, 100x Brick
Bleached Designer Wode Patch Pants AGI: +3
WIS: +7
Defence: 11
Misc: +5% Chop Effciency
Anvil Tab 1 Requires Torn Jeans x3, Plank x275, Bleach Logs x700


World 1 Daily Quest

Picnic Stowaway

Each day you can participate in the Daily Quest for World 1 by talking to the Picnic Stowaway in Froggy Fields.

After completing the initial three quests, you'll then be given a quest line that resets each day. The quest line can give you Gems and Golden Food (that is never consumed).

You'll probably be too low level to complete the full quest line in the beginning so this area of W1 isn't super important to complete.

Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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