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Black Rabite Guide - Visions Of Mana

September 27, 2024

The Black Rabite is an end-game boss that you can face after completing the main story line in Visions Of Mana. It is one of the toughest bosses in the game and this page will guide you through all it's mechanics, as well as our tips and tricks to getting this guy sunk!

Defeating the Black Rabite will give you the Achivement Rabite Season, which is a Gold Trophy achievement.

How To Find the Black Rabite

Black Rabite Temple

You can find the Black Rabite in the Distorted Sanctuary in Chapter 10 of Visions Of Mana.

You need to enter the Distorted Sanctuary from the Sanctuary Entrance, then pass through the Mylos Woods, Rime Falls and then you'll come to Mt. Gala.

At Mt. Gala, you can find a Temple to the east of the map. Enter it to find the Black Rabite.

You can auto-save the game by entering the temple and exiting it.

Black Rabite Strategy

There are many different strategies for taking down the Black Rabite, but here is the method we used.

Our party consisted of: Palamena, Morley and Julei.

Julei is our healer and Morley is an attacker. We set Julie's battle strategy to keeping everyone alive, whilst Morley was set to well-balanced.

Palamena Moves

Our strategy evolved around using Palamena's Class Strike damage to defeat the boss. In order for this strategy to work, you'll need the following:

  • Cactus Soul - it gives 2% CS every 5 seconds - Obtained from Lil Cactus Locations
  • Class Strike Damage + (Gives +30% damage for class strikes)
  • Traveler's Talisman - Immune to all status effects
  • Healing Light - heal your teammates
  • Revivifier - Revive downed teammates

The rest you can just fill out with damage boosting abilities.

Class Abilities

For Class Abilities, the key ones are:

  • Flutter Fly (Air class) - gain 4MP when doing physical attacks
  • Quick Cast (Water class) - shorten duration of magic attacks by 40%
  • Masqueraid (Fire class) - Ignore enemy resistances and enemy defense by 40%
  • Targeted (Fire Class) - enemy deals 40% less damage to self

The Flutter Fly is key to this strategy as it allows you to spam heals and regain MP by doing a few physical attacks.

In order to use abilities from other classes you need to expand the Elemental Plot fully.

For your teammates, you want to equip Null Silence to Julei so he can heal. Julei ran out of MP during our run, but if you have any seeds that can help with MP gain, equip them.

You should also equip Life Seed and Life Seed+ for the extra HP on both characters.

If you need extra damage, don't forget to get the Ultimate Weapons for each character.

Boss Fight - Black Rabite

Black Rabite

Level: 80

The Black Rabite fight can be quite long and so you'll need a method of generating MP to be able to constantly heal and revive fallen teammates. We used the Flutter Fly ability, which gives +4 MP per physical hit.

Black Rabite starts the fight with a three-hit physical attack, shooting out dark orbs that track you and a spinning dark laser. It's main attack in this phase is summoning rotating dark tornados that will spiral outwards and then inwards around the arena.

You should be focused on doing damage with magic attacks, elemental vessel and then using Class Strikes to really pummel him once they're ready. You should also be healing with Healing Light and reviving with Revivify when Julei fails to do so.

Remember, using a Class Strike will also cancel any attacks currently happening, so you can time them to prevent some of Black Rabites worst ones.

Once Black Rabite gets to around 70% HP, he will start summoning a single Demon mob and also start shooting out time-slowing balls. If you stand nearer the center of the arena, you can dodge most of the time-slowing orbs.

The Black Rabite will also start shooting out more projectiles, and a darkness ring that will cast sleep on anyone hit with it.

It will also summon a black hole, which will explode dealing high damage to anyone near it. Keep your heals ready!

It's main move is where three dark orbs start charging the Black Rabite in the center of the map. You can attempt to destroy one of the orbs, or you'll need to tank the damage by making sure everyone is full HP, have any defensive spells cast and generally get lucky.

Once the Black Rabite gets below 30% HP, it will split into three separate mini-versions. They all have similar attacks to the main guy, so you're going to have to slowly chip away at their HP. Focus on one at a time, as the fight get's a lot easier when you only have to focus on one mob.

Once all three are defeated, the final form emerges. Most of the moves remain the same, but it will also summon a wave of fireballs that can wipe out the enitre party if you don't dodge it.

Check out the video below for more tips:


  • Mana Guidance (seed)
Content in this article may contain material that is copyrighted to © Square Enix.


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Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.

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