The penultimate chapter is upon us! We head to the Mana Tree to face off against Daelophos but it seems a strange phenomenon is occurring!
Previously, we defeated all the Benevodons, allowing us to now take on Daelophos once again. He's headed for the Mana Tree so that is our destination.
Head to The Sanctuary and you'll see that the whole place has changed as Daelophos power takes over.
Distorted Sanctuary
The Distorted Sanctuary is made up of smaller versions of maps you've visited before. You'll find new treasures here, but also a ton of bosses from before.
You're likely to power-level through this area, so don't worry to much about being under leveled.
You'll start off in the Mylos Woods.
Then arrive at Rime Falls.
After that it's Mt. Gala
At the end of Mt. Gala you'll come across your first boss fight ...
Boss Fight - Savage Grapplavine
Level: 57
This fight works exactly like before, but here's a refresher if you missed it last time!
The Grapplavine will spawn flowers around him that will poison the area. Focus on taking them out to prevent the battle becoming overwhelming.
The main Grapplavine will shoot out poison all around the arena, so if you have any seeds to help prevent the poison status effect, equip them.
The Grapplavine is also weak to fire elemental, so have the fire class in your party. Val can imbue your weapon with fire.
Once it's HP goes to 50%, it will start to move around the arena. It has a big jump attack and several swing attacks with it's neck that can deal damage.
After the fight you'll head to the Deade Cliffs. At the end of the area you'll meet...
Boss Fight - Savage Mantis Ant
![Mantis Ant](
Level: 58
The Savage Mantis Ant should pose little challenge to you, despite it being high level.
Aim for it's tail to stun it, and try avoid it's poison plumes. It likes to leap across the arena dealing a big AOE attack but you get enough seconds to dodge it.
The only other attack to be careful of it is spinning projectiles- but the damage they do shouldn't cause too much of problem.
After the fight, you'll head to Luka Ruins Underground.
Boss Fight - Savage Shreegill
Level: 60
Hopefully you're running some Fire abilities and skills since in Visions Of Mana, water = weak to fire.
Shreegill will start the fight by shoving it's tentacle into the ground and then three glowing spots will follow you around the map, eventually shooting out more tentacles. Easy enough to dodge!
Other attacks include shooting out a jet stream of bubbles, a spinning whirlwind of water tornado and it's own spin attack.
Once it's HP gets below 50%, all the attacks will grow in size making them harder to dodge. Keep pummeling it with fire range attacks as much as possible; use the item pots to regain mana if you have to.
After you exit the Luka Ruins Underground, you'll find yourself at Entwined Bridge.
After a quick cutscene with Daelophos, pass on into the next area to find another fight...
Boss Fight - Boreal Gorg and Gaian Gorg
Level: 61
These guys first appeared in the very first Chapter!
Like the two bird bosses, focus on one boss first as it will make the fight a lot easier once you take out one of them.
Both bosses will shoot out a fire laser, which has a long range so make sure you're constantly on the move.
Both Gorgs have a triple slash attack, which can deal incredible amounts of damage if you get caught up in it. You'll also have to dodge several meteorite projectiles being thrown your way.
If you run out of Mana, you can find Mana pots on the edge of the arena.
- Lucre x15,300
- 105,570 EXP
The next map is the Sanctuary Entrance, another boss is waiting for you...
Boss Fight - Trent
Level: 63
Trent is accompanied by two branches, one either side of them. You can either defeat both of them for an easier time, or just straight up go for the main boss Trent.
The two branches will unleash poison and shoot up root attacks, which can bind you for a short period. They have quite a bit of HP, and they do respawn so it can be a waste of time taking them out. All the same, it does make the fight easier if they're downed.
Trent will fire out Pumpkin Bombs and mass amounts of poison gas, so range attacks are very useful here.
- Lucre x17,800
- 122,475 EXP
After the fight you can now access The Sanctuary Of Mana.
Are you ready for the Final Boss? Check out the final chapter in the Visions Of Mana Walkthrough!