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Lil Cactus Locations - Visions Of Mana

September 18, 2024

Lil Cactus is a strange creature you'll meet in Chapter Two of Visions Of Mana. He hides himself all over the world and this guide will show you all the locations you can find him.

Unlike most objects in Visions Of Mana, Lil Cactus does not show up on your map overview, making him really tough to find out in the wild!

When you interact with Lil Cactus, he will drop a diary page that you can view in the Guides section of the main menu.

Lil Cactus Locations

Here are all the locations you can find the Lil Cactus. You can do them in any order.

Deade Cliffs

Lil Cactus

He can be found standing on some rocks towards the north of Deade Cliffs.

Tatoh Temple


You can find the Lil Cactus in Tatoh Temple by going down the stairs from the room with the Stone Turtle and find him sitting on some rubble next to them.



You can find the Lil Cactus across the bridge where the giant turning wheel is.

Gamurda Mines


The Lil Cactus can be found inside a cave in the Gamurda Mines. You'll need to activate the stone golem in order to smash through into it.

Mylos Woods

Lil Cactus

You can find Lil Cactus in the first area of Mylos Woods (there are two maps).

Log'grattzo Dark Archives

Lil Cactus

You can find this Lil Cactus sticking out of the main building in Log'grattzo.

Passagean Tomespire

Lil Cactus

You can find the Lil Cactus on the first level of the Passagean Tomespire.

Radiant Playhouse Terratio

Radiant Playhouse

You can find the Lil Cactus sitting on a stone fountain outside the playhouse in Terratio.

Content in this article may contain material that is copyrighted to © Square Enix.


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